
  • 网络The Bible;bible stories;The Story of the Bible;Stories from the Bible
  1. 圣经故事(4)摩西的故事

    The Bible Story ( 4 ) The Story of Moses

  2. 圣经故事(6)约书亚和迦勒的信仰

    The Bible Story ( 6 ) The Faith of Joshua and Caleb

  3. 墙上的插图为不识字的信徒描绘了历史传说和圣经故事

    Artwork depicted the historical sagas and biblical tales for the illiterate faithful .

  4. 在圣经故事当中,有些工人到第十一个小时才来,却能领到一整天的报酬,和那些天破晓就来干活、担负重担、饱受酷热的工人拿得一样多。

    Literally came in at the eleventh hour but received a full day ’ s pay , the same as those who came in at day break and had to “ borne the burden and heat of the day . ”

  5. 阿拉伯联合酋长国成为第三个禁播《法老与众神》(Exodus:GodsandKings)的国家。该片由雷德利·斯科特(RidleyScott)导演,耗资1.4亿美元,讲述摩西带领犹太人离开埃及的圣经故事。

    The United Arab Emirates have become the third country to ban " Exodus : Gods and Kings , " Ridley Scott 's $ 140 million film about the biblical story of Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt .

  6. 圣经故事(3)亚伯拉罕传

    The Bible Story ( 3 ) The Story of Abraham

  7. 在许多有关圣经故事的电影中,查尔顿赫斯顿都担任主角。

    Charlton Heston took the lead in many films about the bible .

  8. 去除圣经故事的神话色彩富于传奇色彩的场面、冒险、故事

    Demythologize biblical legends . romantic scenes , adventures , tales

  9. 以一个圣经故事——歌利亚和大卫的战争——为例。歌利亚原本以为此战会是一场肉搏战。

    Using the titular biblical example , Goliath was expecting hand-to-hand combat .

  10. 在我们今天的圣经故事中,神将要在埃及降下第十个灾。

    In our lesson today , God is about to send the10th plague .

  11. 我们今天开始来看另一个引人入胜的圣经故事。

    We begin today one of the most amazing stories in the Bible .

  12. 关于网络中立的辩论如今带有圣经故事中大卫对决歌利亚的意味。

    The net neutrality debate has taken on a David vs Goliath flavour .

  13. 我不能接受对诸如亚当和夏娃这类圣经故事的字面诠释。

    I can 't accept literal interpretations of Bible stories like Adam and eve .

  14. 浅析圣经故事包含的男权思想及其危害

    Description of Supremacy of Men 's Rights in the Bible Stories and Their Harmful Effects THOUGHT

  15. 托尼·莫里森善于运用圣经故事和希腊神话原型作为作品叙事的催化剂。

    Toni Morrison is good at using Bible stories and Greek mythologies as catalysts in her novels .

  16. 圣经故事同杂志上刊载的流血恫吓相比显得呆板单调。

    The Bible stories seemed slow and meaningless when compared to the bloody thunder of pulp narrative .

  17. 我最喜爱的圣经故事中,有一些是和神呼唤人的名字有关的。

    Some of the Bible stories I like best are about God calling out someone 's name .

  18. 我们今天所阅读的圣经故事,告诉我们一个有关恩典和感恩的重要故事。

    This story we have read in the Bible today tells the essential story of grace and gratitude .

  19. 我不想山寨圣经故事,不过能把水变成酒(耶稣)还是挺酷的。

    Well , not to steal from the Bible , but turning water into wine sounds pretty good .

  20. 想要一个孩子是这世上最自然的一件事情,关于这一点,许多圣经故事可以作证。

    To want a baby is the most natural thing in the world , as many Bible stories testify .

  21. 如果你记得上一课的圣经故事,就能毫不费力地答对它了。

    If you remember our Bible lesson from last time , you can answer that question without even thinking !

  22. 我们自己生命中的指路明灯的迹象不可能像圣经故事那样如此地奇异。

    The evidence of the guiding star in our own lives may not be so fantastic as the Biblical story .

  23. 圣经故事〈达味与巴思巴〉讲述通奸与谋杀,但那不过是标签化的描述。

    The Biblical story of David and Bathsheba is about adultery and murder but that is just a labelling description .

  24. 上次我们已经开始讨论圣经故事中,男女族长的历史功绩。

    So last time we started discussing the historical merits of the biblical stories of the patriarchs and the matriarchs .

  25. 简介:从耶稣生平中绘画出五个鲜明、配有“前图”和“底图”的圣经故事。

    Five Bible stories from the life of Jesus brightly illustrated with " before " and " after " pictures .

  26. 在我们今天的圣经故事里,约瑟是十二个孩子中最招人喜爱的,圣经里说老雅各最喜欢约瑟,因为他是他晚年时所生的孩子。

    The Bible says that his old father Jacob loved Joseph best because he was the son of his old age .

  27. 我们针对儿童有开设英语圣经故事,教导良好品德的课程。

    We give regular classes to young children in English , teaching them inspirational and Bible stories with good moral lessons .

  28. 我们今天的圣经故事,就是要讲到这样一个令人难以置信的事儿。??

    That would be incredible , wouldn 't it ? Just as incredible as our true story from God 's Word today !

  29. 光可以被看做是上帝存在的具体体现,事实上圣经故事也说上帝首先创造了光。

    Light can be considered the physical manifestation of God s presence , in fact biblical11stories state that light was God s first creation .

  30. 这些习语主要源于希腊、罗马神话、圣经故事、民间传说、文学作品、日常生活及历史事件。

    This kind of idiom originates chiefly from Greek or Roman myths , the Bible , folklore , literature , everyday life and history .