
  • 网络Sacred Stone;holy stone;Sacred Rock
  1. 圣石发出的冰冷气息呼唤着他。

    The cold smell of sacred stone called him .

  2. 你必须在他获得对这个圣石的完全控制之前阻止他。

    You must stop him before he gains full control of the sacred stone .

  3. 但为什么马哈拉加要从这儿带走圣石呢?

    Why would maharajah take the stone from here ?

  4. 用来清洗圣石莲花足的圣水可以摧毁偷窃的罪恶。

    Water that has washed the lotus feet of the Nrsimha Salagrama-sila destroys the sin of theft .

  5. 向尼星哈圣石的莲花足供上一片图拉西叶子,圣石就能摧毁谋杀的罪恶。

    A tulasi leaf offered to the lotus feet of the Nrsimha Salagrama-sila destroys the sin of murder .

  6. 来自美国的酷圣石冰激凌在利星一直保持着一个纪录:单店坪效最高。

    At Li Xing shopping mall , the ice cream named " Cold Stone " kept the record of " most efficient store " .

  7. 在朝圣期间,报告祷告时刻的人向朝圣者诵祷文的时候,朝圣者围绕着萨特阿拉伯麦加清真寺黑色的圣石吟唱赞美诗并祈祷。

    During the Hajj the muezzin calls worshippers to prayer , while pilgrims chant and pray as they circle the black , holy stone in the Grand Mosque in Mecca , Saudi Arabia .