
  • 网络Saint Jude
  1. 我儿子Dan去过圣犹大儿童医院

    Rufus : Uh , my kid , Dan goes to St. Jude 's ,

  2. 两周后的第二次游行很成功,由小马丁·路德·金博士(Dr.MartinLutherKingJr.)领导,游行了54英里。蒙哥马利市的圣犹大区将举办自由游行节(3月24日),以示纪念。

    and , in commemoration of the second , successful march , just two weeks later , a 54-mile journey led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , the Montgomery neighborhood of St. Jude hosts a Freedom March festival ( March 24 ) .

  3. 圣犹大——他是个守护无法自拔者的圣徒。

    Saint Jude-he 's the saint of lost causes .

  4. 圣犹大的男孩们将竞争接待生接待来访的联盟代表们

    and the St. Jude 's boys will provide the ushers for the visiting representatives .