
  • 网络Cathedral of Our Lady;Notre Dame Cathedral;Notre-Dame Cathedral;Cathedrale Notre-Dame
  1. 目视斯特拉斯堡的地标建筑、中世纪风格的圣母大教堂那高耸入云的钟楼时,你心中会升起许多存在主义的疑问。

    Existential questions arise when beholding the towering astronomical clock inside Strasbourg 's iconic medieval Notre Dame cathedral .

  2. 兰斯的圣母大教堂、前圣雷米修道院和塔乌宫

    Cathedral of Notre-Dame , former Abbey of Saint-Remi and Palace of Tau in Reims

  3. 今天早上,海地人聚集在诺特丹圣母大教堂遗址,纪念这个肃穆的时刻。

    This morning , Haitians gathered at what remains of Notre Damn Cathedral to celebrate mash on this somber occasion .

  4. 如今的卡普托尔包括上城东侧,这座城市最著名的建筑、1880年地震后重修的圣母升天大教堂(CathedraloftheAssumptionoftheBlessedVirginMary)就在这里,有福的枢机主教阿罗杰兹·斯坦皮纳茨(CardinalAlojzijeStepinac)的陵墓也在这里。

    Today , Kaptol comprises the eastern half of Upper Town , anchored by the city 's most famous building : the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary , restored after an 1880 earthquake , and the site of the tomb of the beatified Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac .

  5. 圣母院大教堂晚上将点起泛光灯。

    Notre Dame cathedral will be floodlit at night .

  6. 隐约呈现在你眼前的是巴黎最著名的标志性建筑&圣母院大教堂。

    The most famous landmark of Paris looms up in front of you the Notre Dame Cathedral ( Cathedral of Our Lady ) .

  7. 巴黎圣母院大教堂地下室重新向公众开放,展出作家雨果和建筑师尤金·维奥莱特·勒德克的作品。

    A crypt at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has reopened to the public with an exhibition dedicated to writer Victor Hugo and architect Eugene Viollet-Le-Duc .

  8. 19世纪的后半期,商人尤米捐钱在紧挨着圣母安息大教堂修建了遮有天篷的喷泉池。

    In the second half of the nineteenth century , the merchant Riumin gave money for the construction , next to the Cathedral of the Dormition , of a canopied fountain pool .

  9. 克里姆林宫的圣母领报大教堂。

    Annunciation Cathedral in the Kremlin .