
  • 网络SACRED HILL;The Holy Mountain;Sacromonte;ZION
  1. 彼后一18我们同他在圣山的时候,亲自听见这声音从天上发出。

    Pet . 1:18 And this voice we heard being borne out of heaven while we were with Him in the holy mountain .

  2. 在美国的圣山,我第一次感受到佛光加持。灌顶甘露,重塑本人的身心。改写我与母亲的命运。

    In the Holy Mountain of the United States , I felt the blessing Fokuang for the first time , together with initiation mannose , reshape my body and mind , also rewrote the fate of my mother .

  3. 还是在奥里萨邦,印度矿企韦丹塔(Vedanta)未能拿到开采铝土矿的许可,因为附近山脉被当地居民奉为圣山。

    Vedanta , an Indian mining company , has failed to secure permission to mine bauxite in the same state because the nearby hills are held sacred by local people .

  4. 蒙顶山:世界茶文化圣山

    Sacred Mountain of Tea Culture THE HOLY MOUNT AND THE PEOPLE

  5. 也正是如此,它被称为“圣山”。

    For this reason , it is called the Holy Mount .

  6. 说,我已经立我的君在锡安我的圣山上了。

    I have installed my King on Zion , my holy hill .

  7. 基督徒昔时居住于巴勒斯坦的圣山上。

    The Christians once had abidance in the holy hill of Palestine .

  8. 诗篇第十五篇描述能住在圣山的人有那些特徵?

    What characteristics were possessed by those who dwell in the Holy hill ?

  9. 我已祝圣我的君王,在熙雍我的圣山上。

    But I have put my king on my holy hill of Zion .

  10. 谁能在你的圣山上居住呢?

    Who may live on your holy hill ?

  11. (可拉后裔的诗歌)耶和华所立的根基在圣山上。

    His foundation is in the holy mountains .

  12. 谁能寄居你的帐幕。能能住在你的圣山。

    Who shall abide in thy tabernacle ? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill ?

  13. 我用我的声音求告耶和华,他就从他的圣山上应允我。

    To the Lord I cry aloud , and he answers me from his holy hill .

  14. 在我圣山的遍处,这一切都不伤人不害物,这是耶和华说的。

    They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain , saith the LORD .

  15. 他们把这个法国小村子当作是可能的最后几个“圣山”之一,可以庇护他们免遭世界末日大地震。

    They see Bugarach as one of perhaps several " sacred mountains " sheltered from the cataclysm .

  16. 耶和华阿,谁能寄居你的帐幕?谁能住在你的圣山?

    Lord , who may have a resting-place in your tent , a living-place on your holy hill ?

  17. 有许多日本人在这儿度假,因为富士山在他们眼中是圣山。

    There were many Japanese here on vacation , because Mount Fuji was the sacred mountain in Japan .

  18. 这来自天上的声音,是我们同他在那座圣山上的时候,亲自听见的。

    And this voice we heard brought from heaven , when we were with him in the holy mount .

  19. 你们是否拥有美丽,能把心从木石制品引领到圣山?

    Have you beauty , that leads the heart from things fashioned of wood and stone to the holy mountain ?

  20. 道师城一直是个慵懒的西南小镇,坐落在美丽的圣山脚下。

    At this time , Taos was a wonderfully sleepy Southwestern town nestled at the foot of the beautiful Sacred Mountain .

  21. 这三种信仰都有各自的故事,将圣山和各自的宗教联系在一起。

    All three faiths share stories that tie the sacred mountain to each religion and tie the religions to each other .

  22. (可拉后裔的诗歌。)耶和华本为大,在我们神的城中,在他的圣山上,该受大赞美。

    Great is the Lord , and most worthy of praise , in the city of our God , his holy mountain .

  23. (大卫的诗。)和华阿,谁能寄居你的帐幕?谁能住在你的圣山?

    A psalm of David . LORD , who may dwell in your sanctuary ? Who may live on your holy hill ?

  24. 我似乎听到了那个来自圣山的声音:“知识是爱,是光,是佳地。”

    And from the sacred mountain I heard a voice which said , " Knowledge is love and light and vision . "

  25. 卫城山被称作雅典的圣山,是整个城市最重要的地方。

    The Acropolis hill , so called the " sacred rock " of athens , is the most important site of the city .

  26. 在那儿我看到有一座圣山,向东的山下有一条小溪向南流去。

    And there I saw a holy mountain , and underneath the mountain to the east there was a stream and it flowed towards the south .

  27. 希腊:修道院的窗户,阳光,天空,和大海三合为一为阿托斯圣山上的埃克斯诺方克斯修道院构成了一幅令人心旷神怡的背景。

    Monastery Window , Greece : A trinity of sun , sky , and sea paints an inspiring backdrop for the Xenofontos monastery on Mount Athos .

  28. 你们要尊崇耶和华我们的神,在他的圣山下拜。因为耶和华我们的神本为圣。

    Give high honour to the LORD our god , worshipping with your faces turned to his holy hill ; for the LORD our God is holy .

  29. 说,我已立我的君在锡安我的圣山了。电热蚊香,无毒、无烟,保君平安。

    Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion . Electrical mosquito-repellent incense , poisonless and smokeless , keeps you safe and sound .

  30. 神的车辇累万盈千。主在其中,好像在西奈圣山一样。

    The chariots of God are twenty thousand , even thousands of angels : the Lord is among them , as in Sinai , in the holy place .