
  • 网络St. Paul;St.Paul;São Paulo;Sao Paulo;Saint Paul
  1. 圣保罗市各机场没有起降面积,azul便在这个富有、以农业为中心的圣保罗州建立了自己的主要航线枢纽。

    Without access to cover at the airports in Sao Paulo City , Azul established its main hub in the wealthy , agricultural heart-land of Sao Paulo state .

  2. 这座大楼仅仅是火灾前的几个月才竣工,是圣保罗市最新的建筑物。

    The building was finished only a few months before the fire ; it was Sao Paulo 's newest building .

  3. 来自加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的KaraFan赢得了明尼苏达州圣保罗市的3M青年科学家挑战赛。

    Kara Fan from San Diego , CA was won the 3M Young Scientist Challenge in St. Paul , Minnesota .

  4. 圣保罗市安全和检查部发言人劳丽·布里克利(LaurieBrickley)说,设置诱捕装置的野生动物管理服务公司(WildlifeManagementServices)于周三早上接回了浣熊。

    Wildlife Management Services , the company that set the traps , retrieved the raccoon on Wednesday morning , said Laurie Brickley , a spokeswoman for the city 's Department of Safety and Inspections .

  5. 圣保罗市想驱逐这里的居民。

    The city of San Paulo wants to expel its residents from the site .

  6. 研究人员称,在巴西圣保罗市,这意味着每年可避免一千个早死病例。

    In Sao Paulo , Brazil , it could mean as many as1,000 premature deaths averted in a year , they said .

  7. 在巴西圣保罗市,代表团分别拜会了市议会和政府。

    In Saint Paul , the largest city in Brazil , the delegation paid a courtesy call on the city council and government .

  8. 使情况更加糟糕的是,一座大坝决堤,洪水涌到圣保罗市附近的圣若泽杜斯坎普斯。

    To matters even more , a dam gave way , flooding streets in Sao Jose dos Campos near the city of Sao Paulo .

  9. 以美国圣保罗市安姆斯湖计划、英国伦敦湿地中心和中国成都活水公园为例,介绍了城市景观与湿地生态意义的成功结合。

    Three projects , cited as being successful in integrating urban landscape planning and wetland ecology , are ( 1 ) the Ames Lake Project in St.

  10. 至少巴西圣保罗市议员若泽·奥利韦拉是这么认为的。他还想把8月13日正式定为“吸血鬼节”呢,正好配合全市的献血运动。

    At least , that 's what a Sao Paulo city councilman thinks and that 's why he wants to officially declare Aug.13 Vampire Day , to coincide with a city-wide drive for blood donations .

  11. 今年6月,在圣保罗的新城市峰会(NewCitiesSummit)上,我趁罗林斯偷偷打盹时找到了他。

    I found Rawlings sneaking a catnap at the New Cities Summit in Sao Paulo in June .

  12. 我是大约四岁在圣保罗州包鲁市开始记事的。

    My own memories begin in the town of Bauru in the state of Sao Paulo when I was about four years old .