
  1. 软土地层浅部隧道施工引起的地表移动分析

    Analysis of Ground Movements Due to Shallow Tunnel Excavation in Soft Soil Strata

  2. 岩土介质中局部化变形研究的一些新进展

    Some advances in studies on localization of geomaterials

  3. 广义塑性力学不适宜于解释岩土应变局部化现象。

    The generalized plastic mechanics is not adaptable to explain the geo-tech strain localization .

  4. 上海粘性土应变局部化性状试验研究沿海潮差带粘性土地基上的一种新型围埝结构

    Experimental Study on the Strain Localization of Shanghai Soft Clay ; A New Type Cofferdam Structure on Clay Foundation at Coastal Tide Range

  5. NV&1人工钠土是地矿部七五期间推广应用一项科技成果。

    The NV-1 manual sodium soil is an item of scientific and technical result which is popularized and applied by the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources during the Seventh Five-Year Program .

  6. 因此,花岗岩残积土在东南部省份普遍存在,工程中所遇的山地、丘陵、剥蚀准平原上都分布着残积土,是大部分工程建设的地基基础和地质环境重要介质。

    Therefore , granite residual soils are widespread in the southeastern provinces and most of mountains , hills and erosional peneplain in engineering , which become the important material of the foundation and geological environment of most engineering construction .

  7. 三轴试验土样的端部影响问题研究

    Research on influence of end effect of soil specimens in triaxial tests

  8. 岩土介质应变局部化问题的广义塑性梯度理论研究

    Research on generalized plasticity gradient theory for strain localization analysis of Geo-Materials

  9. 第二,在岩土材料应变局部化数值计算过程中,作者采用了修正剑桥模型和应变软化摩尔-库仑模型。

    Second , during numerical simulation of geomaterials strain localization , the modify Cam-Clay model and strain-softening Mohr-Coulomb model are used .

  10. 美国作家理查·赖特以其生活经历及对社会事实的大量观察、取证和分析,创作了《土生子》这部讲述芝加哥黑人故事的小说。

    Created on the basis of the life and experience of the author Richard Wright , and of his great observation , investigation and collection of the true affairs in the society , Native Son tells a story of the blacks in Chicago ghetto .

  11. 用于岩土工程和深部地下工程问题研究的、颇具特色的大型三轴物理模拟试验台于1986年在中国矿业大学建立并通过技术鉴定。

    A particular large scale triaxial experimental frame for physical simulation came to fruition in China University of Mining and Technology in 1986 , which , with a special nature , can be used to solve the problems of geomechanical engineering and mine construction .

  12. 天然膨胀土边坡,人工开挖或填筑的膨胀土边坡,在气候环境作用下,土体水分通过地表蒸发,导致膨胀土浅部产生干缩裂隙。

    Because of the effect of climate , some cracks appear in the shallow layer of natural expansive soil slope , excavation expansive soil slope and filling expansive soil slope .