
tǔ zhù yǔ yán
  • indigenous language
  1. 麦罗埃是兴都库什王国的土著语言。

    Meroitic was the indigenous language of the Kingdom of Kush .

  2. 根据我在马克斯普朗克人类历史科学研究所(MaxPlanckInstitutefortheScienceofHumanHistory)的同事们最近的研究,这个只有100公里长、20公里宽的岛屿上生活着的人讲着大约40种不同土著语言。

    According to recent work by my colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History , this island , just 100 kilometers long and 20 kilometers wide , is home to speakers of perhaps 40 different indigenous languages .

  3. 许多土著语言和文化处于灭绝的边缘。

    Many aboriginal languages and cultures are on the verge of exttaiinction .

  4. 他认为人类应该竭力保存那些土著语言和土著文化。

    He strives to inspire man to preserve those native languages and culture .

  5. 正式承认土著语言委员会;

    Commission for the official recognition of indigenous languages ;

  6. 土著语言可能存在两种发展前景:一是土著语言缓慢发展,二是土著语言快速灭绝。

    There may be two different developing directions : Native American languages may develop slowly or become extinct rapidly .

  7. 1990年美国总统布什签署了一项对美国土著语言来讲至关重要的法律文件&《美国土著语言法》。

    In 1990 , American President Bush has signed an very important law document & The Native American Languages Act .

  8. 到1968年,美国政府帮助在公立教育系统中发起了第一批土著语言计划。

    By nineteen sixty-eight , the American government helped start some of the first tribal language programs in the public school system .

  9. 政府颁布语言权利法后,超过60种土著语言被承认为官方语言。

    Ever since the government enacted the Law of Linguistic Rights , over 60 indigenous tongues have been recognized as co-official languages .

  10. 但是在政府试图禁止美国印第安人讲英语那段时期里,大量的土著语言面临灭绝的危险或已经灭绝。

    But the years of government attempts to force American Indians to speak English meant many tribal languages were in danger or dead .

  11. 如果没有种种土著语言,她说,美国在二战期间就不可能得到纳瓦霍族美国特工密码员的帮助。

    Without native languages , she says , the US wouldn 't have had the help of the code talkers during World War II .

  12. 这是一个很难解决的问题,很多人居住在遥远的地方,一些人只会说他们的土著语言,并且基本上没有机会向外面的世界传达他们对世界的认识和社会价值观念。

    Many live in remote regions , some speak only their ethnic language and few have had any opportunities to communicate their knowledge and values to the outside world .

  13. 亚利桑那州佩奇镇的免下车餐馆R.D.'s的老板限制的不是“外国”语言,而是一种土著语言:纳瓦霍语。

    At R.D. 's Drive-In in Page , Ariz. , It wasn 't a " foreign " language that the boss restricted , but a native one : Navajo .

  14. 三个凯尔特语地区的双语教育都是英语/土著语言的双语教育,属于保留性双语教育,目的是增加说土著语言的人数,以保存和发展土著语言与文化。

    The bilingual education in three Celtic areas is named as " maintenance bilingual education " which use indigenous language and English in order to preserve their languages and culture .

  15. 例如,因为印度有多种土著语言,将任何一种语言作为全国通用语,都会造成严重的问题,所以英语成为印度的通用语。

    For example , it became a lingua franca in India where a variety of indigenous languages made the use of any one of them as a whole country system problematic .

  16. 许多土著语言中都找不到成群的新动物、昆虫和植物的名称,这些生物因全球变暖使得北极冰融化,森林逐渐出现在冻土地带而北移。

    Many indigenous languages have no words for legions of new animals , insects and plants advancing north as global warming thaws the polar ice and lets forests creep over tundra .

  17. 两位人类学家、语言学家佛朗茨•博厄斯和爱德华•萨皮尔在二十世纪上半叶描述了北美和南美许多土著语言,在这方面他们堪称先驱。

    Two anthropologists & linguists , Franz Boas and Edward Sapir , were pioneers in describing many native languages of North and South America during the first half of the twentieth century .

  18. 《国家语言政策》侧重于语言地位规划目标,它不仅确定了英语的官方地位,也注重尊重土著语言和社区语言的地位。

    National Policy on Languages mainly focuses on language status planning . It not only confirms the status of Australian English , but also protects the status of Aboriginal languages and community languages .

  19. 结合这部法案推出的背景、产生的影响、存在的问题分析,笔者对土著语言发展前景进行预测。

    According to the backgrounds of this Act , effects produced by it and some problems that this Act oneself brought about , the author gives a prospect forecast of Native American languages developing .

  20. 随着现代文明的发展和推广,在经济发达国家、发展中国家的发达地区,传统知识残存或被保留下来已经很少,随着某些土著语言的消亡,大部分传统知识亦失去了载体。

    Along with the development and expansion of modern civilization , there has been little traditional knowledge preserved in developed countries or developed areas of developing countries , that is , most of this has been abandoned .

  21. 本文通过阐明土著语言在语言学,传统知识在生态、农业、医学等方面的现代价值,旨在说明土著语言与传统知识在现代社会中的重要地位,起到进一步引起世人共同关注的作用。

    This thesis , expatiating the native language and modern value of traditional knowledge in agriculture , medical science and ecology , demonstrates the important role it plays in modern society , focus the attention of people furthermore .

  22. 语言:通用英语,某些地方讲土著民族语言。

    Language : English is the official language , but aboriginal languages are also spoken in certain regions .

  23. 而族群互动的文化史观则认为,南方汉语方言并非汉语,强调南方土著民族语言在这些方言形成中的重要作用。

    But an opposite theory insists that the southem dialects are not descendants of Chinese language family and were born from one ancient southern language .

  24. 小说不仅诗意地展示了澳洲独特的自然风光,而且还利用了土著的语言、神话、庆典和歌谣等突出了澳洲文化的混杂性。

    The novel not only poetically exhibits the unique natural scenery of Australia but also stresses the mixed feature of Australian culture using the aboriginal language , myths , celebrations and ballads .

  25. 据我们所知,这些分布广泛的美洲土著部落在语言,管理形式,社会组织,风俗习惯,房屋建筑和生存方式上有很大的不同。

    As we now know , these widely dispersed tribes of Native Americans differed greatly from one to another in language , government , social organization , customs , housing , and methods of survival .