
  • 网络civil structure
  1. 智能土木结构理论初探

    An approaching view on the theory of intelligent civil structure

  2. 土木结构中内力图的快速绘制法

    A Method for Drawing Internal Force Diagrams in Civil structure

  3. 但桂林市各县在砖木结构、土木结构等房屋类型补偿标准上出现低于本项目rap要求的房屋补偿标准的情况。

    However , compensation standards for housings of Masonry-timber structure and earth-wood types in each county in Guilin city are lower than housing compensation standards required by the project rap requirements .

  4. 古城的许多住所都是由土木结构的。

    Most of the residences are made of earth and wood .

  5. 浅谈兵团团场土木结构住房质量弊病及防治

    On quality defects and prevention of civil structure houses in corps

  6. 某土木结构教学楼改建加层的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Alteration Project for Certain School Building

  7. 三峡一期土石围堰设计与运用土木结构围堰在施工导流工程中的应用

    Application of the civil structure coffer dam in construction and diversion project

  8. 埋光纤光栅传感器智能土木结构应变监测

    Strain monitoring of intelligent civil engineering structure embedded with fiber Bragg grating sensors

  9. 在线监测环境下土木结构的模态识别研究

    Research on structure modal identification under online monitoring conditions

  10. 基于特征向量简化的复杂土木结构损伤检测

    Damage detection of the complex civil engineering structures based on feature vectors reduction

  11. 首先分析了无线传感网络在构建智能土木结构的潜力。

    The application potentiality of wireless sensor network in Intelligent Civil Structure is analyzed .

  12. 但对于土木结构的优化问题,几乎没有相应的应用实例。

    But for civil structure optimization problems , there are almost no corresponding application examples .

  13. 丽江7.0级地震土木结构房屋破坏比和损失比

    The damage and loss ratioes of civil houses for the M 7 0 Lijiang earthquake

  14. 给出了可行的智能土木结构测控硬件系统的解决方案。

    A feasible hardware system solution scheme for measuring and controlling ICS / IBS is discussed .

  15. 减震抗震问题一直都是土木结构设计的一大难题。

    Shock absorption and aseismatic construction are key problems of the structural design in civil engineering field .

  16. 结果表明,基于递阶分散的控制方法保证大型土木结构的稳定性。

    The study in this paper presents a promising means for the large scale civil engineering structural stabilization control .

  17. 土木结构的损坏可定义为结构承载能力在使用期间的减少。

    Damage in structures can be defined as a reduction of the structural bearing capacity during their service period .

  18. 瓦当虽小,却是中国特有的土木结构建筑屋面的重要组成部分。

    Small as they are , the eaves tiles are the important components of the Chinese featured civil architecture .

  19. 土木结构中的附加黏滞阻尼器:基于阻尼比模式评估的设计方法分析

    Additional Viscous Dampers for Civil Structures : Analysis of Design Methods Based on Effective Evaluation of Modal Damping Ratios

  20. 土木结构由于各种因素的长期作用,会出现不同程度的损伤。

    In civil engineering , structures will appear varying degree of damage due to the long-term effects of various factors .

  21. 结构振动控制是解决土木结构在外界激励下失效的有效方法。

    The application of structural control is one of effective methods in safeguarding civil structures against failure under external excitations .

  22. 对土木结构工程而言,在地震作用时,使其结构不受或减小破坏从而降低地震灾害具有重要的意义。

    As to construction structural engineering , making its structure not or reduce the destruction thus reduce the earthquake disaster is vital significance .

  23. 中国古代建筑,是以土木结构为主体发展起来的,到后来的砖瓦使用,经历了一个漫长过程。

    Ancient Chinese buildings were based on civil engineering structures and it took a long process to the usage of bricks and tiles .

  24. 即第一代土木结构温室、第二代砖木结构温室、第三代钢架结构温室以及果树生产温室、连栋温室。

    The first is made of soil , The second is made of brick , produce technologies of the2nd generation type of '43'solar greenhouse .

  25. 在此基础上,提出了粘弹性耗能器设计和制作的一些要求以及国产粘弹性材料用于土木结构减振时进一步改性的目标。

    In this paper , based on the characteristics and requirements of civil engineering , three kinds of domestic viscoelastic materials are selected to make corresponding viscoelastic dampers .

  26. 该体系区别于其它土木结构的一个最显著特点是它由导地线和各个钢塔连接而成的连续体系,是一种复杂的空间塔-线耦联振动体系。

    TLCTL is3-dimensional complicated tower-line coupled vibration system , which have an obvious characteristic is continuum that it consists of high-rise steel towers and long span transmission lines .

  27. 结构健康监测是土木结构学科一个研究热点,其中模型修正和损伤识别是结构健康监测的重要理论组成部分。

    Structure Health Monitoring ( SHM ) is a hot research topic in civil engineering , of which model updating and damage identification are the important theoretical component .

  28. 利用上述成果及结构瞬时最优控制策略,提出精细积分下闭环及开闭环控制算法,因而该法在土木结构控制中具有现实意义。

    Based on the PIM , the closed-loop and closed-open-loop control algorithm under the instantaneous optimal control strategy are acquired , so it has practical significance in active control .

  29. 钢结构因其强度高、自重轻、抗震性能好等诸多优点而应用于对抗震性能要求较高的土木结构中。

    Steel structures are widely used in civil structures with good seismic requirements , due to its high intensity , light weighted , good aseismic performance and many other advantages .

  30. 通过对震区房屋破损情况的实地考察,发现了某灾民自行设计和施工的行之有效的土木结构房屋加固方案。

    Through the inspection of the damage conditions of the houses in the earthquake area the reinforcement plan for civil structure house designed and constructed by disaster victims is proposed .