
  • 网络Civil Engineering;Civil Engineering and Architecture;Civil and Architectural Engineering
  1. 在土木建筑工程中,岩土锚固得到了日益广泛的应用。

    In civil engineering , geotechnical anchoring is applied more and more widely .

  2. 土木建筑工程中有许多双向受弯构件,如承受风荷载的墙梁、框架的边梁等。

    As is known to all , there are many biaxial flexural members on the civil engineering .

  3. 然而,目前我国各大中型土木建筑工程公司主要以使用CPM项目管理方法为主,未能综合考虑项目质量、成本、进度三大目标之间的相互关系。

    However , many large and meddle-sized construction company mainly adopt CPM at present which can 't consider project quality , costs and progress comprehensively .

  4. 土木建筑工程检测计量误区分析

    Analysis of metering misunderstandings in civil construction engineering detection

  5. 土木建筑工程承包合同建筑及土木工程承建商

    Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction building and civil engineering construction contractor

  6. 竹材在土木建筑工程上的应用

    Use of bamboo in civil construction engineering

  7. 土木建筑工程承包合同

    Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction

  8. 网络时代的土木建筑工程

    Civil engineering in times of network

  9. 他负责规划该城市庞大的上下水道及土木建筑工程。

    He was in charge of planning the great plumbing and civic engineering works of the city .

  10. 在土木建筑工程设计中,中心投影图的应用越来越广泛。

    The application of perspective drawing to the field of civil engineering design is more and more extensive .

  11. 土木建筑工程中的结构工程设计,工程结构事故处理。已建建筑物的加固、改造和加层、拆除技术。

    Structural design and accident improvement in civil and architectural engineering . repairing , strangthening and Reconstruting of existing bwildings .

  12. 本文方法特别适用于大型桥梁桩基工程和土木建筑工程的动力测试。

    The method introduced hereby is particularly suitable for dynamic tests of pile foundations of major bridges and other civil engineering works .

  13. 本文根据计算机网络迅猛发展的趋势,将计算机网络技术应用于土木建筑工程中。

    Based on the quick development of computer network , this thesis deals with how to apply network technology to Civil and Architectural Engineering .

  14. 阐明土木建筑工程在计算机网络时代的发展、远程网络检测系统的设计原理和网络传输的具体实现过程,并将其应用于工程实例。

    This paper deals with the development of Civil Engineering in the times of computer network , the design principle of remote-network-monitor-system and realization of network transmission .

  15. 由于钢结构具有良好的受力性能和抗震性能,钢结构在土木建筑工程特别是大跨度结构工程中的应用日趋广泛。

    Because of structural steelwork with a good performance and the strength earthquake performance , structural steelwork in civil construction projects , especially long span structures are increasing broad applications .

  16. 随着我国现代化程度的不断推进,高层、超高层和大跨建筑的出现,混凝土材料已成为重大土木建筑工程和基础设施建设发展的关键和依托。

    With the progress of society and appearance of high-rise , super high-rise and large span buildings , concrete materials is the key and support of important civil engineering and infrastructure development .

  17. 工程实际中应用快速测定硅酸盐水泥强度,对于加快土木建筑工程施工速度,确保混凝土质量,充分合理地利用水泥活性十分重要。

    The rapid detection test of portland cement strength is important to speed up the construction of civil engineering , ensure the quality of concrete and utilize accurately the activity of cement .

  18. 论文目的希望能从交通安全角度对我国公路设计方法改进有所裨益,并供道路工程、桥梁工程、交通工程和其他土木建筑工程技术人员、管理人员参考使用。

    The author hopes this paper can help to advance the highway designing method from the aspect of traffic safety , at the same time be used as reference to the technical and administering workers of civil engineering .

  19. 通过工程实际的检验,可以认为,该法计算结果的精度较高,可达95%以上的精确度,而计算所用的时间极少,为土木建筑工程投标竞争赢得了时间。

    Through the check in the practice , it is assumed that the accuracy of the proposed method is rather high ( above 95 % ), consumption of time in estimate is extremely less , so that the time prepared for bidding is shortened .

  20. 碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)在桥梁结构中的应用,是目前国际土木建筑结构工程中的一个开发热点。

    Today , it is a international hotspot that the Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer is developed in the civil engineering structure . Nowadays the CFRP is gradually applied to the bridge structure .

  21. 激光加工技术在土木-建筑工程中的应用及展望

    Laser Processing in Civil Engineering and Architecture : Applications and Prospects

  22. 土木建筑、工程管理等相关专业学士学位;

    Bachelor degree major in civil work , engineering management ;

  23. 南昌工程学院土木与建筑工程学院;

    Department of Civil and Architecture Engineering , Nanchang Institute of Technology ; 2 .

  24. 多年冻土地区兴建的道路、工业设施以及大型土木工程建筑工程等,都会受到多年冻土稳定性问题的影响。

    Roads , industrial infrastructures and large-scale construction projects constructed in permafrost regions are affected completely by the stability of frozen ground .

  25. 地基沉降,特别是地基不均匀沉降,是土木、建筑工程事故的主要原因之一。

    Settlement of foundation soil , especially differential settlement , is one of the general cause of construction accident in civil engineering and construction engineering .

  26. 地下开采与地下空间的开发,对周围环境造成一定程度的影响,主要表现为地表的变形,其中不均匀沉降是引起土木、建筑工程事故的主要原因之一,将对上部建筑物造成损伤。

    Underground mining and underground space development bring the influence on the surrounding environment , primarily presented the curvature deformation of surface which will damage the upper building .

  27. 对于土木与建筑工程,由于需要大量的工程计算和设计需要,计算机应用的非常广泛。

    For the flashing and construction engineering , because of needing a great deal of engineering calculation and the design demand , the calculator is applied very extensively .

  28. 在土木、建筑等工程领域的数值计算中,VC++和MATLAB的混合编程可以充分发挥各自的优势,提高计算效率,节省大量的人力物力。

    In the field of civil engineering and architecture engineering etc , active programming with VC + + and MATLAB can make the most of respective advantages , improve computational efficiency and save a lot of human and material resources .

  29. 于北大屿山郊野公园内进行土木工事及建筑工程。

    Earthworks and building works in the Lantau North Country Park .

  30. 商品混凝土是土木工程和建筑工程中所使用的一种结构材料,为水泥的下游产品。

    Commercial concrete is a structure material of civil construction and engineering .