
  • 网络land grade
  1. 新疆生产建设兵团农垦城镇土地等级体系研究

    A study of the land grade system of the agricultural reclamation towns of the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps

  2. 本文从级差地租理论出发,分析了影响城市土地等级的各种因素,结合数学模型,建立了一种划分城市土地等级的方法体系。

    In this Paper , according to Marxist grade-rent theory , the author analyses the various factors that influences urban land grade . Combining with mathematical model , the author elaborates a method for urban land grading .

  3. 文章从城市经济定量分析角度入手,提出了旧城改造开发容量的概念、模型,土地等级评价指标体系及计算土地等级评价因素权重的AHP模型;

    Directed by quantitative analysis of city 's economy , this paper puts forward a new conception and model of development capacity for old city renewal , established land class evaluation system and AHP model to determine the land class and its evaluation factors .

  4. 中国农用土地等级评价研究进展

    Research Advances of Gradation and Evaluation of Agricultural Land in China

  5. 基于可拓数学的城市商用土地等级综合评价

    Comprehensive Assessment of Urban Commercial Land Quality Based on Extension Mathematics

  6. 目前学术界对土地等级评价所使用的主要方法有:主成分分析法、回归分析法、灰色关联度分析法、特尔斐法、排序法、层次分析法、模糊综合评价法。

    These methods include the Principle component analysis , the Regression analysis , the Grey cognate analysis , the Delphi , the Ordering method , the Analytical Hierarchy Process , Fuzzy Method .

  7. 如何解决当前农业税征收中的不合理现象,探索一种科学、简明、易于实践操作的农用土地等级评价方法,是当前亟待解决的热点问题。

    How to solve the present problems in levying agricultural taxes and explore a scientific , concise and easy method to put into practice of agricultural land evaluation is a hot issue now .

  8. 对于空间效应,从城市中心的不同影响力、城市空间扩张、交通发展、城市规划布局、土地等级划分政策等五个方面进行了原因解释。

    For spatial effect , we explain the reasons from five aspects , which are the different influence of urban centers , the expansion of urban space , transport development , urban planning and layout and land grading policy .

  9. 该系统的设计与实现符合榆林市的实际,对土地等级的评定、基准地价建立、地价评估以及地价监测体系的建立等都具有现实意义。

    The definition and realization of this system according with the reality of Yulin have a realistic meaning to land and basic price of land in evaluation and price of land assess and price of land foundation of monitoring system , etc.

  10. 以“数字流域”为平台,采用SPSS统计软件,利用主成分分析和聚类分析方法进行了流域土地质量等级评价。

    Supported by the theory of digital watershed , statistic software SPSS was used to assess the land quality by the methods of principal component and clustering analysis .

  11. 他们建造新楼房来提高土地的等级。

    They upgraded the land by improving it with new buildings .

  12. 以土系为分等单元,通过分析,定量地反映研究区域农用土地的等级。

    For gradation unit of soil series , application of this system for reporting the gradation of agricultural land in research area was implemented .

  13. 根据区域的典型生态背景及不同矿种的多种开采方式确定48个评价单元,并建立土地适宜等级和土地质量等级两个评价体系。

    According to the ecological background and the recovery method of different mines , 48 assessment units were determined and 2 evaluation systems were established including grade of land suitability and grade of land quality .

  14. 盐渍土地区高等级公路设计施工

    The Design and Construction of High-Grade Highway in Salty Soil Area

  15. 土地开发整理潜力等级的划分&以济南市长清区为例

    The classification of the potential for land exploitation - renovation

  16. 最后,用聚类分析方法对以上土地集约利用水平等级区域划分结果进行了检验。

    Finally , the results have been proved through the cluster analysis method for the land intensive use of above the level of the regional division .

  17. 继而通过遥感解译数据,进行了土地沙漠化退化等级划分,并分析了土地沙漠化空间分布格局。

    Then , with the remote sensing data , the degree of land sandy desertification was classified and the spatial distributions of land sandy desertification were analyzed .

  18. 此外,土地他项权利变更、土地等级、使用者名称、地址变化的,也应进行变更登记。

    In addition , land he name of the grade of a right change , land , person that use , address changes , also should undertake modificatory registering .

  19. 对土地质量进行评估,用量化指标确定土地质量等级,协调人地关系,实现土地的可持续利用,具有重要的现实意义。

    Land quality assessment , according to which grade of land quality can be defined by quality index , has an important practical meaning in harmonizing the relationship between human and sustainable use of land .

  20. 选择8个评价指标,应用层次分析等方法,对郑州市郊区进行了土地生态环境质量评价,利用聚类分析划分质量等级,生成郑州市土地生态环境质量等级图。

    It has eight evaluation indexes , and evaluates land environmental quality of the suburbs of ZHENGZHOU with the method of AHP , then divides its quality grade with Cluster Analysis , and generates the evaluation of land environmental quality of Zhengzhou city at last .

  21. 然后,将指数加权综合得各土地评价单元的综合指数,按综合指数的大小划分土地质量等级。

    Finally , by making the index and weight complex , the complex index of every unit of land evaluation is obtained , on the basis of which land is classified qualitatively .

  22. 城市土地有偿使用的价格标准、土地税收标准应与城市土地的质量等级和土地利用水平保持一致。

    The price of urban land compensation use and land tax should be set according to the grade of urban land quality and the conditions of land use .

  23. 第二十八条县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门会同同级有关部门根据土地调查成果、规划土地用途和国家制定的统一标准,评定土地等级。

    Article 28 Land administrative departments of the people 's government at and above the county level shall , together with related departments at the same level , grade the land according to the results of the surveys , their planned uses and the unified standards formulated by the State .

  24. 土地分等定级估价是在土地利用分类的基础上,根据土地的自然、经济条件,进一步确定各类土地的等级和基准地价。

    Valuation of land classification in the land use classification based on the land , natural , economic conditions , further define the level of various land and benchmark land price .