
tǔ dì miào
  • temple of the god of earth
土地庙 [tǔ dì miào]
  • [temple housing the god of earth] 供奉土地神的庙。有的地区也叫土地堂

  1. 晏子认为首先必须除去土地庙中的老鼠。

    Yan Zi believed they should get rid of the mice in the temple first .

  2. 过晋国时,同行的人指着晋国的城池和土地庙,骗他说这就是燕国的城池和土地庙,他的脸色顿时显得凄怆悲凉,并不停地浩然长叹。

    Passing the state of Jin , the people who went along with him pointed1 to the cities and shrines2 and cheated him by telling him those were the cities and temples of the state of Yan . Upon hearing this , he became gloomy3 and sad and kept sighing .

  3. 大草坪下坡还有一座小小的山神土地庙。

    Lawn downhill there is a small mountain god tei miu .

  4. 土地庙与乡村环境景观的研究

    The Research on Land - temple and Rural Environment Landscape

  5. 敦煌研究院藏土地庙写本源自藏经洞敦煌写本葬书中的古代敦煌丧葬民俗

    On the Ancient Funeral Customs of Dunhuang from Dunhuang Writes to Bury the Book Originally

  6. 土地庙等后出郭煌遗书是上述观点的实物例证。

    Dunhuang books later recovered from places like temples of local gods are material proof of the aforesaid view .

  7. 土地庙是中国传统崇祀建筑的一个类型,也是在中国特殊的农耕体系下产生的文化景观。

    As a type of Chinese traditional Religious constructions , Land-temple is a kind of cultural landscape producing in the farming system in China .

  8. 土地庙的标志作用以及由土地庙而产生了戏剧、庙会等活动,表现了土地庙同时具有景观的视觉效应和场所效应。

    Another hand , the role of it and the drama , the fair deriving from it expressed the visual and place effects of landscape .

  9. 文章将从历史沿革、文化特性、建筑特点、景观涵义四个方面对土地庙的文化含义及其与乡村环境景观的关联上加以阐述,客观地向大家展示土地庙的深层涵义。

    This thesis also analyzed its cultural meaning on history , cultural identity , architectural features , the relationship with landscape , and dig the deep connection of Land-temple .

  10. 洪江大街小巷到处有祭供着土地庙。祭祀活动从年头到年尾。数百年来,沅江流域江河溪流边立有土地庙。人们祈求河神保佑风调雨顺,平安吉祥。

    There are temples that worship the god of earth everywhere in the ancient city , so sacrificial activities usually last for the whole year , praying for good weather and good luck .