
Strategies for Intensive Land Banking and Developing in Beijing
The objective Sharpe ratio function of land development arithmetic average value portfolio is deduced based on the geometric average B-S model of the basket options in the paper .
Tap Intellectual Resources Determines and the Optimization Studies on the Qing Dao 's City Land Reserve Centre
Journalist also knew that not only is there no change in individual mortgage loans , but also the commercial banks will continue carrying out strictly the set policies in land reserve loans and development loans .
The current commercial Banks to real estate industry support throughout from land reserve , real estate development and sales of various links .
Next , the institutions of rural-urban land conversion including land requisition system , land reserve and development system and land transfer system are summarized .
The multi-asset land resources value includes the beginning cost and the end-time European call options , with the uncertainty of dynamic land supplying price and the flexibility choice of land sale on the market or not .