
  1. 种粮大户规模生产行为认知及意愿深刻地影响其粮食生产的积极性,其经营行为又直接决定着土地产出率、粮食产量以及我国农产品的国际竞争力的增强。

    The behavioral cognition and intention of Large-Scale grain-production households affect their grain production enthusiasm ; and operation behavior directly determine land output rate , grain output , the international competitiveness of agricultural products .

  2. 为了提高土地产出率和资源利用率,实现生产的集约化,烟草采用工厂化的育苗方式,如漂浮育苗、浅水育苗等。

    In order to improve the land output and the utilization of resources , Factory cultivated tobacco seedlings had been used , such as flue-cured tobacco seedling production with float system , tobacco seedling nursing in shallow water .

  3. 千方百计提高小流域内已治理土地的产出率是发展小流域经济的核心。

    The core for small watershed economy development is to enhance the production rate on managed land in all possible ways .

  4. 这些措施有效地改变了贫困地区落后的生产方式,提高了土地的产出率,迅速增加了农民的收入。

    These measures have effectively changed the backward modes of production in these areas , increased the yield of farmland , and swiftly raised peasants ' incomes .

  5. 粮食亩产量是单位土地面积的产出率,是衡量农业发展水平的一个重要指标,对其的考量,在某种意义上便成为研究当时生产力水平的一个核心。

    Grain yield per mu is a unit of land area , production rate , a measure of the level of agricultural development is an important indicator of its consideration , at that time , in a sense become a core level of productivity .

  6. 对于提高土地生产率和资金产出率,防治水土流失,改善土壤水肥条件有重要作用。

    It is very important in three aspects : to increase the productivity and income of land , to prevent the soil and water loss , to improve the condition of soil moisture in the land .

  7. 农村居民点长期自由放任发展,导致了现在空间布局的分散杂乱、大量土地资源闲置浪费,土地产出率低下等一系列问题。

    Rural settlements in long-term laissez-faire , results in the scattered clutter of spatial distribution , the waste of land resources , low land productivity and a series of question .

  8. 同时,流转改变了传统简单的生产模式,农村土地逐步向集约和规模方向发展,有效提高了土地的产出率和农产品的商品化程度。

    Meanwhile , the turnover has changed the traditional simple mode of production , rural land-intensive and scale of the progressive direction , to effectively improved the productivity of the land and the commercialization of agricultural products .

  9. 这种土地制度的变革极大地激发了农民的劳动热情,从而极大地解放了生产力,提高了土地产出率。

    This change of the land system kindled the peasants ' real enthusiasm for labor , thus greatly liberating the productive forces and improving the land output .

  10. 其实质是合理组织城市土地利用,使城市土地利用方式、结构和关系适应社会经济发展目标,提高城市土地利用率和产出率,改善城市生态环境的过程。

    Its substance is to re-arrange rationally urban land utilization , to make the method , structure and relationship of urban land utilization fit in with the target of economic social development , to increase utilization ratio and productivity ratio of urban land , and to improve urban ecological environment .