
tú jiě fǎ
  • graphic method
  1. 用图解法求解粘性土挡土墙的土压力

    Solving Soil Pressure of Clay Astel by Graphic Method

  2. 基于图解法的凸轮廓线CAD设计

    Design of Convex Outline by Graphic Method Based on CAD

  3. CAD图解法设计机构

    DIAGRAM The design of mechanism is by illustrating in CAD

  4. 基于CAD动态图解法的平行分度凸轮机构设计

    A CAD graphical method for designing parallel index cam mechanism

  5. 基于AUTOCAD的图解法机构设计

    Mechanism design of graphic solution based on Auto CAD

  6. 图解法的CAD实现途径

    The CAD Implementation of the Graphic Solution

  7. AUTOCAD在图解法中的应用

    Application of Auto CAD in Graphic Method

  8. 滞后过程PI控制器性能设计图解法

    Graphical Approach to Performance Design of PI Controllers for Dead-Time Processes

  9. 图解法在AutoCAD三维造型中的应用

    The Application of Diagrammatical Method for Three-Dimensions Modeling in AutoCAD

  10. 剃前滚刀通用性验算的AutoCAD图解法程序

    Universality Check about Preshaving Hob with Program of AutoCAD Diagram

  11. 举例简述了在机械CAD环境下,图解法设计曲柄摇杆机构过程和寻优过程,分析了图解法设计精度。

    This paper states the process of graphic design and that of optimization through examples in the mechanical CAD environment .

  12. AutoCAD图解法计算工程测量数据

    Calculation of Engineering Survey Data by AutoCAD

  13. 但在CAD环境下,可以利用其精确几何绘图和图形实体数据的查询功能,实现机构图解法的精确设计。

    But in CAD , the exactitude drawing and query of entity can be use to design the mechanism with fine precision .

  14. 基于VFP技术的可靠度图解法

    DIAGRAM A VFP developing tools based dependability diagrammatic method

  15. 本文介绍在AutoCAD环境下用图解法计算可靠度的方法。

    This paper introduced a method for calculating the reliability by the use of graphic solution method under the environment of AutoCAD .

  16. 根据教育部对高等工业学校工程制图课程培养目标,对少学时工程制图教材传统内容进行改革构建,增加CAD二维和CAD三维绘图内容,删去画法几何图解法内容;

    According to the aim of the ministry of education to the industry university engineering cartography , its traditional content shall be reformed and reconstructed for the short hours .

  17. 利用松花江河谷的承压水井抽水试验资料和洮儿河扇形地27个潜水抽水井及其观测孔的抽水试验资料,应用直线图解法分析计算,得到唯一的含水层参数T、K和R。

    The pumping test data from the confined wells in the Songhua River valley plain and 27 unconfined wells and observation wells in the Tao'er River fan are analyzed .

  18. 线性符号网络函数的ICM流图解法

    ICM Graph Formulation for Linear Symbolic Network Functions

  19. 利用SolidWorks约束功能实现机构图解法的参数化设计

    The Parametric Design of Mechanism Illustrating Is Realized by Using the Function of Geometric Relations in SolidWorks

  20. 从实测数据,用数值法与图解法求得Na~+的自扩散系数D(Na)~。

    The Na ~ + self diffusion coefficient D_ ( Na ) ~ , was numerically and graphically evaluated from the measured diffusion profile .

  21. 介绍了用Excel图解法求精馏塔理论塔板数,并给出了VBA程序。

    This paper introduce an Excel-based graphic solution to the theoretical plate numbers of a rectification column and a VBA program .

  22. 此类机构的设计既可以用手工绘图或AutoCAD工具由图解法加以实现,也可以用计算机由解析法完成。

    The graphic method of designing a crank and rocker mechanism with a quick-return property be realized by AutoCAD tool of computer aided draw .

  23. 据此,采用Fischer图解法,求取了其可容空间变化速率曲线。

    The accommodation change curves of the terrigenous sequences were obtained by using Fischer diagram .

  24. 狭义相对论图解法的改进和TAKAHASHI问题

    An Improvement on Diagrammatic Method in Special Theory of Relativity and Takahashi 's Problem

  25. 从分析、考察按行程速比系数K设计ⅠI型、Ⅱ型平面曲柄摇杆机构图解法的基本原理图入手,对最佳辅助角λ(?)

    Begin with the analysis and the investigation of the basic principle chart of illustrated diagram method of type ⅰ and ⅱ institution of plane crank jointed arm which is designed according to the stroke velocity ratio coefficient .

  26. 以某电厂高100m以上岩石高边坡为例,介绍了采用赤平投影图解法及极限平衡法,进行岩体边坡稳定性分析的方法。

    The Given the example of one 100m high rock slop on the power station , The integrated projection on equator plane and ultimate balance method is introduced .

  27. 第三章探讨了CAD平台下的图解法教学,指出它的可行性和实用性;探讨了机械原理课程中的计算机辅助教学及作业练习形式,以及它们与图解法教学的关系。

    Chapter III discusses the Graphic Methods under CAD platforms in the teaching , and points out its feasibility and practicality . It also discusses CAI and the forms of homework , and their relations with the teaching of Graphic Methods .

  28. 本文以机床数控系统ISO代码为例,介绍了多元逻辑式的简化方法之一&多元图解法。叙述了作图时的各个步骤和应遵循的规则。

    By taking the ISO code for numerical control system of machine tools as an example , one of the methods of simplifying multivariable logic expressions , the multivariable graphic method , is introduced .

  29. 提出基于VENN图解法的企业知识缺口识别方法,并给出应用该方法的步骤。

    Then , the identifying method and process of knowledge gaps is studied by using VENN diagram .

  30. 并采用电磁暂态分析程序(EMTP)进行了仿真实验,仿真结果也证实了上述图解法的有效性和较高的精度。

    The presented approach is verified by the simulation with EMTP and the simulation results show that this approach is effective and accurate .