
  • 网络Book editor;A.J. Buckley
  1. 当图书编辑苏珊·赖兰在审阅一位备受喜爱的悬疑作家提交的最新作品时,她开始怀疑手稿中隐藏了一桩真实的谋杀案。

    As book editor Susan Ryeland works through the latest submission a real-life murder .

  2. 利什先生是著名杂志与图书编辑戈登·利什(GordonLish)的儿子,在接受电子邮件采访时,他说,在创作这本小说时并没有想着获奖的事。

    Mr. Lish , the son of Gordon Lish , a famed magazine and book editor , said in an email interview that winning prizes was not on his mind while writing the novel .

  3. 作者运用结构化工作分析问卷和行为事件访谈(BehavioralEventInterview,BEI)探讨了图书编辑的胜任特征模型。

    The competency model of book editors was investigated by structured job analysis questionnaires and Behavioral Event Interview ( BEI ) .

  4. 英汉对照中医药图书编辑随想

    On the Edition of English - Chinese Books of TCM

  5. 论社会转型期图书编辑的职业意识

    Occupational Awareness of Book Editors during the Social Transition Period

  6. 论新时期图书编辑的政治素养

    Comments on the Political Awareness of Book Editors in the New Century

  7. 主体性话语权力&关于图书编辑的文化思考

    Subjectivity , Discourse and Authority & the Cultural Thinking on Book Editor

  8. 我国图书编辑美学还未成为一门独立的学科,建立图书编辑美学是我国社会主义市场经济发展的需要,也是提高我国图书质量的需要。

    In China book editing aesthetics has not become an independent subject .

  9. 新时期图书编辑创新素质刍议

    The Innovation Qualities of Book Editors in the New Age

  10. 美国的图书编辑活动也经历了相似的发展过程。

    America has experienced the similar process .

  11. 图书编辑策划的原则

    The Design Principle of the Books Editor

  12. 图书编辑胜任特征模型的评价研究

    The Competency Modeling of Book Editors

  13. 写作过程中的同伴批改科技图书编辑审稿中的协同

    Peer Editing in Writing Process

  14. 我为怀特出版社工作了4年,主要负责图书编辑。

    I have worked for the White Publishing House for 4 years and primarily responsible for book editing .

  15. 浅谈图书编辑综合素质

    Quality of Book Editors

  16. 分析了科技图书编辑应具备的素质,并对提高编辑素质提出切实可行的优化途径。

    This paper analyzes the qualities sci-tech editors should have , and then points out the methods for improvement .

  17. 这些课程包括有关图书编辑、摄影、绘画、读书及多种趣味话题的工作坊。

    The courses include workshops on editing books , on photography , drawing , reading , and a variety of interesting topics .

  18. 摘要图书编辑的素质,是出版社参与图书市场竞争的基本条件,直接决定着一个出版社的生存和发展。

    Quality of book editors is the basic requirement for publishing houses participating in books market competition , which determines its existence and future development .

  19. 图书编辑活动产生的图书产品是图书营销和销售的基础,也是整个图书出版业的基础。

    Books that are produced in the process of editorial practice are the basis of subsequent marketing and selling as well as the basis of the book publishing industry .

  20. 最后通过对效标群体的分析,得到图书编辑的胜任特征,包括编辑策划、关注客户需求、市场意识、成就动机和问题敏感。

    Comparative analyses of editor incumbents with different performance levels indicated that the competency model of book editors includes scheming , customer focus , market awareness , achievement orientation and problem sensitivity .

  21. 第二部分对中美图书编辑活动主体的收入、数量比例、类型等整体状况进行了比较,然后着重对组稿编辑和编辑主任两类编辑活动主体进行了比较。

    The second part compares editors ' salary , proportion and type between the two countries , and then sums up the differences between two countries ' acquiring editors and editorial directors .

  22. 现在,美国已经形成了完备的、分工明确的图书编辑活动体系,并且,这一体系在出版业中发挥了重要作用。

    Now , in the United States , a sophisticated and well-divided editorial practice system has came into being and has been playing a very important role in American book publishing industry .

  23. 详细阐述了图书编辑在整个出版流程中的作用,从理论和实际两个方面论述了编辑工作中所包含的巨大的创造性。

    This paper , from the aspects of theory and practice , mainly deals with the functions of editors in the whole publishing circuit , and illustrates their tremendous creativity in the editorial work .

  24. 编辑道德失范,是指在从事图书编辑出版过程中,编辑思想行为违背或偏离了所应遵循的道德规范和道德准则以及与之相应的道德观念、道德情操和道德品质的非道德现象。

    Ethical failures herein refer to such immoral behaviors in the course of editing and publishing as violation of and deviation from the due ethical norms and the corresponding ethical concepts , sentiments , and qualities .

  25. 图书编辑在进行图书策划时,应遵循文化原则、市场原则、信息原则、创新原则、质量原则、外向型原则、立体开发原则和建立作者群原则。

    In the process of the books editor designing a book , one should follow the principle of culture , market , information , innovation , qualify , export-orientation , stereoscopic development and the principle of establishing author group .

  26. 图书编辑美学发展了审美文化的内涵,在精神文明建设中起着编辑导向和文化选择作用,在美学的广域化历程中有着举足轻重的地位。

    It is the need for the development of socialist market economy , for it develops the connotation of aesthetic culture , and it is playing an important part of editing guidance and cultural choice in the construction of spiritual civilization .

  27. 其实,他同时从事期刊和图书编辑出版活动八十余载,成就同样斐然,为自己开了人生第五扇窗子&天窗。简论编辑策划在书刊中的体现八、学报编辑工作。

    This paper aims at combing SHI Zhe_cun 's periodicals and books editing and publishing activities in more than 80 years and points out that it 's the fifth window - the skylight of SHI Zhe_cun 's life opened by himself .

  28. 第三部分比较了中美图书编辑过程中信息采集、选题、组稿、审稿、编辑加工、装帧设计等六个主要环节,并提出了改进我国图书编辑活动中每一个环节的建议。

    The third part compares six main stages in the process of editorial practice in both countries , including information-collecting , business-writing , commissioning , scrutinizing , copy-editing and binding and puts forward advice on improving the editorial practice at evey stage .

  29. 新形势下图书编辑的职业意识应该包括:导向意识、服务意识、策划意识、创新意识、市场意识、责任意识。

    Book editor 's professional consciousness under the new conditions includes the following : the consciousness of political orientation , the consciousness of serving the readers , the consciousness of planning , the consciousness of origination , the consciousness of market , and the consciousness of responsibility .

  30. 日语图书的编辑工作

    The Editorial Skills for Japanese Books