
ɡuó jì mào yì zhènɡ cè
  • international trade policy
  1. 类似谷歌中国(googlechina)审查纠纷的事件,加剧了美国商界的普遍不满,华盛顿极度沮丧地意识到,自己缺乏在现代经济环境中处理国际贸易政策的工具。

    With discontent rising across American business , fuelled by incidents such as the Google China censorship spat , Washington is recognising to its intense frustration that it lacks the instruments to conduct international trade policy in a modern economy .

  2. 日本农林水产省(ministryofagriculture,forestryandfisheries)负责国际贸易政策谈判的主管munemitsuhirano表示,日本的投资努力可能换不来稳定的食品供应。

    Munemitsu Hirano , director for international trade policy negotiations at the Ministry of agriculture , forestry and fisheries , said Japan might not be guaranteed stable food supplies as a result of its investment efforts .

  3. 国际贸易政策的两难问题与GATT/WTO体制&GATT/WTO的政治经济学

    Dilemmas of International Trade Policy and the GATT / WTO Philosophy

  4. 次优理论在国际贸易政策中的应用

    The Application of the Theory of the Second-Best to International Trade Policy

  5. 贸易代表是负责国家的国际贸易政策。

    The trade representative is responsible for the nation 's international trade policy .

  6. 论反倾销的实施及其所体现的政府国际贸易政策

    Antidumping Actions and the Government 's International Trade Policies

  7. 国际贸易政策的保护性研究

    Study on the international trade policy 's protective nature

  8. 国际贸易政策的发展、演变及其启示

    The Development of International Trade Policy and its Revelation

  9. 各种形式的国际贸易政策合作是现代国际经济关系的普遍现象。

    Various kind of trade policy cooperation can be frequently seen in current international economic relations .

  10. 产业内贸易对国际贸易政策产生重大影响。

    The inhibition of strain ANTI-8098A against strain F. Intra-industry trade exerts great influence on international trade policy .

  11. 该报告指出,政府应维持稳定的国际贸易政策,避免出口量的急剧降低。

    The report said the government should maintain a stable foreign trade policy and prevent a sharp decline in exports .

  12. 国际贸易政策的政治经济分析&以美国对中国输美纺织品设限为例

    A Political Economics Analysis on the International Trading Policy & illustrates with the example of America set obstacles in Chinese textiles export

  13. 以世界贸易组织原则为核心的国际贸易政策越来越多地影响着各种贸易行为和贸易政策制定。

    The international trade policies at the core of WTO principles have ever-increasingly affected various trade-policy making and trade activities in every country .

  14. 这是国际贸易政策发展的一般规律,也是我们研究国际贸易政策的基本出发点。

    Being a general law of international trade policies , this is the starting point of our study in this regards . 2 .

  15. 自从乌拉圭回合谈判之后,反倾销措施在数量上快速上升,成为了一个国际贸易政策中的标准工具。

    Since the Uruguay Round , anti-dumping measures gained a rapid rise in the number , and have become standard tools in international trade policy .

  16. 由于各国出于本国利益的考虑,制定了各自的国际贸易政策,各个国家的国际贸易政策的实施离不开对于国际贸易的监督、管理。

    Considering its own benefit , each country makes its own international trade policy , the performance of which depends on supervision and management on international trade .

  17. 第三部分主要论述电子商务经济条件下,国际贸易政策的发展和变化,包括第5、6、7、8、9章。

    The third part includes chapter 5 to chapter 9 , mainly discusses the change and development of international trade policies under the condition of e-commerce economy .

  18. 它属于一种新的非关锐壁垒形式,已越来越成为有些国家国际贸易政策法子的一部门。

    It belongs to one kind of new non-pass sharp barrier form , has become some national international trade special operational policy measures more and more a part .

  19. 提出农业水市场对于优化水资源配置、激励节水技术的提高、应对国际贸易政策都是一种很好的途径。

    It is proposed that water market is a proper way to solve the problems of optimal water allocation , improve water-saving technique , and cope with new trade circumstance .

  20. GATT/WTO和美国在反倾销案因果关系问题上的立法及实践实际上是国际贸易政策冲突和协调的结果。

    The Legislation and practice dealing with the causal relationship in terms of GATT / WTO and America , are actually the consequences of the conflict among the trade policies .

  21. 第三章首先提出了国家利益的定义和分类,然后论述了国家利益在国际贸易政策制定中的地位。

    In chapter three , the definition and the classification of the national interests are presented , and the role of national interests in constituting the international trade policy is discussed .

  22. 通过对国际贸易政策的历史回顾,总结出任何国家、任何时候贸易政策的本质都是保护性的。

    This article reaches a conclusion that a country 's trade policy is protective in nature at any time and in any country through looking back international trade policy in history .

  23. 结合我国知识产权保护水平和国际贸易政策来考量,理性地评判涉外定牌加工行为的商标侵权问题具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    There is important significance in the theory and the practice that Judge the trademark infringement with a rational attitude which combine the level of intellectual with the policy of the trade .

  24. 通过综述内生贸易政策理论主要模型,可得出国际贸易政策是国内政治的结果,也即国内不同利益集团、政治家和选民之间相互博弈的结果。

    The review of the major models concerning endogenous trade policy tells us that foreign trade policy is the outcome of domestic politics , that is , the gaming of domestic interest groups , politicians and voters .

  25. 本文结论对各级部门正确制定我国国际贸易政策,以及各级企业正确开展国际贸易活动具有较好的参考作用。

    The conclusion of this text has better reference function to the departments at all levels in our country to make the international trade policy correctly , and enterprise - at all levels correct to launch international trade activity correctly .

  26. 同时,各国国际贸易政策与环保政策在处理环境与国际贸易问题时的出发点和侧重点有所不同,各国出于环境保护目的而制定的不同的环境措施对国际贸易的发展起到了限制作用。

    On the other hand , the starting point and focus of international trade policy and environmental policy in dealing with the environment and international trade issues are different , therefore environmental protection measures of different countries restrict the development of international trade .

  27. 自从亚当·斯密创建绝对优势理论以来,自由贸易理论一直是西方国际贸易政策的理论基础。

    The theory of free trade has been taking an important role in contemporary economic field since the establishment of theory of absolute cost , which indicates that every country can gain the maximum interests only by taking the policy of free trade .

  28. 本课题在基于传统国际贸易政策理论之上,从国际环境、世界林木产品贸易现状及贸易趋势进行了分析和探讨。

    This dissertation bases on the traditional international trade policies , from the tendency of international environment , the present conditions of wood forest product trade in the world and the trading tendency , analyzes the different arrangements on the trade policies on wood forest product in the world .

  29. 传统的贸易理论假定贸易对一国内部的收入分配不产生影响,但实际上贸易会对一国内部的收入分配产生重要影响,集团利益也会在国际贸易政策中发挥作用。

    The traditional theory of trade policy assumes that trade does not exert an influence on the income distribution of domestic department , but in fact trade will exert an important influence on the income distribution of domestic department . Group 's interests also affect the international trade policy .

  30. 随着世界海运市场的发展以及国际经济贸易政策的变化,波罗的海运费指数期货暴露出了越来越多的弊端,最终在2004年被新兴的远期运费协议(FFA)所替代。

    As the world shipping market development and international economic and trade policy changes , the Baltic freight index futures exposed more and more defects and was eventually replaced by Forward Freight Agreement by ( FFA ) in 2004.As new freight derivatives , FFA has similar properties to futures .