
ɡuó jì mào yì zhēnɡ duān
  • international trade dispute
  1. 另外,采用比较分析法比较了WTO和GATT时期以及WTO和其他国际贸易争端解决机制。

    Besides , comparative analysis method is used to compare the WTO and GATT , WTO and other international trade dispute settlement mechanism .

  2. 我国出口商品频受反倾销的威胁,而在WTO框架下,解决国际贸易争端的主体只能是非官方的行业协会。

    In recent years , our export goods are frequently under threat of antidumping , meanwhile , in the frame of WTO , the main body of solving the international trade dispute only to be the unofficial guild .

  3. WTO粮食国际贸易争端的起因与利益影响

    WTO Grain International Trade Disputes : Cause and Benefit

  4. WTO规则的本质是协商性,WTO在解决国际贸易争端中采取的根本原则是协商原则和国家主权原则。

    The nature of WTO Rules is consulted . The basic principle is consulted and country sovereignty for solving international trade disputes .

  5. 因为WTO框架是和平解决国际贸易争端的稳定的、可预见的途径;熟悉WTO规则,完善国内立法才是维护本国利益并与其他国家建立良好贸易关系的必经之路。

    The best way to establish good trade relations with other countries is to get familiar with the WTO rules and perfect related domestic legislation .

  6. 强制管辖权是WTO争端解决机制的一个重要特点,它有助于国际贸易争端的迅速解决,也是国际司法实践的重大突破。

    As an important characteristics of dispute settlement system of WTO , compulsory jurisdiction is helpful to quickly solve disputes in the international trade and is a breakthrough in international judicial practice .

  7. 本文通过对法院在解决国际贸易争端中的地位和作用的论述,确立了法院在加入WTO后的准确定位,明确法院进行司法制度改革的方向和遵循的原则。

    The paper make it definite of the system and direction of the reform of judicial system and rules to be obeyed by stating the exact position for the court after Accession to WTO .

  8. 加入WTO后,国际贸易争端的数量增加,涉及到的领域扩大,卷入贸易争端的国家增多,且对国内及他国经济的影响也更大。

    After entering WTO , the number of international trade disputes is increasing , the field related is expanding , more and more countries are involved in trade disputes , and the influence of domestic economy and other countries ' is greater .

  9. 自WTO成立以来,其争端解决机制在解决国际贸易争端领域内发挥了巨大的作用,尤其是其中的专家组程序作为争端解决的第一层权力机构,赢得了越来越多的信赖与尊重。

    Since the establishment of WTO , the Dispute Settlement System has played a very important role in the field of international trade dispute settlements . As the key process of the Dispute Settlement System , panel procedure has won more and more trust and respect .

  10. WT0争端解决机制中的上诉审查程序作为一个全新的国际贸易争端解决程序,DSU设置了一系列的上诉审查规则和程序。

    The Appellate and Review Procedures of WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures is a new international trade dispute settlement procedures , the DSU set out a series of the review rules and procedures .

  11. 反倾销是20世纪初开始出现的国际贸易争端,到20世纪90年代。

    Anti-dumping international trade dispute appeared at the beginning of twenties century .

  12. 发挥行业协会解决国际贸易争端作用的研究

    Research into using industry association to resolve international trade dispute

  13. 农产品国际贸易争端解决的特点及对我国的启示农业企业化经营的探讨

    Revelation on Characteristic of Practice on Agricultural Trade Dispute Settlement Agricultural Industrialization

  14. 国际贸易争端解决机制的演进农产品国际贸易争端解决机制研究

    Study on International Trade Dispute Settlement Mechanism over Agricultural Products

  15. 转基因农产品国际贸易争端研究

    Research on International Trade Conflicts of GMOs

  16. 与上述发展态势伴生的是生物安全与国际贸易争端问题。

    Following the above development state , organism safety and international trade disputes comes into being .

  17. 第一部分简单介绍了国际贸易争端的概念和特征,之后重点分析了中俄贸易争端的类型和原因尤其是对俄罗斯对华反倾销的现状进行了概括总结。

    The first part : We simply make the general introduction of concept and features of international trade disputes .

  18. 已经发展为国际贸易争端的主要领域之一。

    To the year of nineties , it has become one of the main realms in international trade dispute .

  19. 环境与贸易的联系日趋紧密,与环境有关的国际贸易争端将越来越多。

    Environment is close to trade day by day , more and more environment-related international trade disputes come about .

  20. 进而,完善现有争端解决机制,建立一个真正使发展中国家受益的规则导向型带有可执行条款的国际贸易争端解决机制是国际社会的目标。

    Furthermore , to improve the present mechanism and creat a ture , rule-based one which benefit developing country .

  21. 全球经济一体化进程的加快和金融危机的蔓延,导致了国际贸易争端日益增多。

    Along with the global economy integration process , the financial crisis causes further spread of the international trade disputes are increasing .

  22. 如何和平有效地解决国际贸易争端是世界各国普遍关注的问题。

    Presently , a large number of international trade disputes has been widely concerned about how to settle these disputes peacefully and effectively .

  23. 而其执行机制作为争端解决机制的有机组成部分,也是处理国际贸易争端的最后一道屏障。

    Meanwhile , its implementation mechanism is one step of the dispute settlement mechanism and the last shelter to deal with international trade disputes .

  24. 世贸组织争端解决机制是一种新的、独特的、组织化的和平解决国际贸易争端的制度。

    The WTO dispute settlement system is a new , distinctive and organized system aiming to settle international trade disputes in a peaceful way .

  25. 入世后我国行业协会面临的挑战与抉择关于行业协会在应对国际贸易争端中作用的研究

    Challenges and Decision of China 's Trade Association after the Entry into World Trade Organization Discussion on the Role of Our Guild on Solving the International Trade Dispute

  26. 在国际贸易争端中发挥重要的作用的世界贸易组织是否能对主权财富基金立法和处理相关争端开始引起学术界的关注。

    It is arguable whether WTO which plays great part in international trade dispute could have legal basis to establish SWFs regulation and deal with the SWFs-related dispute .

  27. 从涉及绿色技术壁垒的国际贸易争端实例出发,通过对国内外农产品质量安全标准体系建设现状的分析,提出了建立与国际贸易相衔接的质量安全标准体系的重要性及其发展趋势。

    Analysis on current situation of agricultural product quality system at home and abroad showed the importance to establish quality standard system in China to meet the demand of international business .

  28. 通过分析几个典型的国际贸易争端解决机制,笔者发现中韩贸易争端解决机制的构建其与北美自由贸易区争端解决机制有相似之处。

    By analyzing several typical international trade dispute settlement mechanism , I found that China and South Korea trade dispute settlement mechanism of the building with the North American Free Trade Area similarities .

  29. 首先探讨补贴制度中不符合专向性标准的制度,对于这部分制度我国应该尽快作出相应的改革,以使自身在国际贸易争端中处于有利地位。

    First this article discussed the subsidy systems that are not in accordance with specificity test , which our country ought to reform as soon as possible , so that we can keep in a favorable position in international trade disputes .

  30. 美国作为我国最主要的贸易伙伴,在避免国际贸易争端方面有很丰富的实践经验,值得我们深入研究,以最大限度的维护我国的国家利益。

    As the most important trading partner of our country , American has very rich practice experience in the aspect of avoiding international trading dispute , which deserves us to study further to maintain the national benefit of our country in high limit .