
ɡuó jì huò bì jī jīn zǔ zhī dài kuǎn
  • International Monetary Fund loan
  1. 国际货币基金组织贷款条件研究:以阿根廷为例

    A Study of IMF 's Loan Conditionality : Taking Argentina for Example

  2. 希腊是首个未能偿还国际货币基金组织贷款的发达国家,目前,它正式处于拖欠状态。

    Greece is the first advanced country to fail to repay a loan to the IMF and is now formally in arrears .

  3. 上周,墨西哥成为第一个向国际货币基金组织贷款的国家。

    Last week , Mexico became the first nation to borrow from the I.M.F.under a new program to provide emergency credit to nations with strong economies .

  4. 上周,墨西哥成为第一个向国际货币基金组织贷款的国家。国际货币基金组织推出了一个新的项目,旨在向新兴的经济体提供紧急贷款。

    Last week , Mexico became the first nation to borrow from the I.M.F. under a new program to provide emergency credit to nations with strong economies .

  5. 上述那名表示巴基斯坦已在接洽国际货币基金组织贷款项目的官员表示,国际货币基金组织将要求巴政府削减支出及改革税收。

    The government official who said an IMF programme was already in the works said the fund would require cuts in government spending and a revamping of tax collection .

  6. 他呼吁政府和反对党合作进行经济改革,向国际货币基金组织申请贷款。

    He urged the government and the opposition to work together on economic reforms , required for a loan from the international monetary fund .

  7. 中国和印拓展了关系,印度发展很快,但同时巴基斯坦面临着财政困难,依赖着国际货币基金组织的贷款和外国的援助。

    China 's ties with India , a fast-growing economy , also have been expanding at a time when Pakistan is mired in financial difficulties and dependent on International Monetary Fund loans and foreign aid .

  8. 随着白俄罗斯货币储备的下降以及钾肥和炼油产品收入的减少,白俄罗斯去年10月向国际货币基金组织提出贷款请求。白俄罗斯最近从邻国俄罗斯得到了20亿美元的贷款。

    Belarus , which recently obtained a two-billion-dollar loan from neighboring Russia , sought the IMF credit line in October as its monetary reserves dwindled along with income from key exports such as potash and refined oil products .

  9. 上世纪90年代,连续数届巴基斯坦政府都同国际货币基金组织签署了贷款项目(合约),但从没有成功完成过任何一期协议。这很大程度上由于巴方没能满足IMF提出的苛刻条件。

    Successive Pakistani governments signed up for loan programmes with the IMF in the 1990s but failed to end any of them successfully , mainly because of their failure to meet tough conditions .

  10. 美国缘何反对国际货币基金组织扩大援助贷款规模

    Why is America against IMF expanding the Scale of Aiding Loan

  11. “国际货币基金组织”的贷款要求归还,这一组织可以与长期负债国进行磋商,以便就如何清偿债务问题向他们提供咨询。

    The IMF expects to be back and can enter into consultations with chronic debtor nations in order to advise them on how best to repay their debts .

  12. 衡量股市预期波动性的vix指数飙升至11周高位,此间市场有传言称,西班牙由于公共财政状况恶化,正寻求向国际货币基金组织(imf)贷款。

    The VIX Index , a gauge of expected equity market volatility , spiked to its highest levels in 11 weeks amid market talk that Spain was seeking loans from the international monetary fund because of its deteriorating public finances .

  13. 国际货币基金组织承诺给乌克兰贷款180亿美元。

    The International Monetary Fund has promised 18 billion in loans to Ukraine .

  14. 埃及已经向国际货币基金组织正式提出申请贷款。

    Egypt 's government has put in a formal request for International Monetary Fund cash .

  15. 本周墨西哥获得国际货币基金组织470亿美元贷款额度而没有任何附加条件,这也许代表一种趋势。

    This week Mexico secured a $ 47 billion credit line with the fund , with no strings attached , which may set a trend .

  16. 希腊银行星期二继续关门。希腊拖欠国际货币基金组织18亿美元贷款,看来债务违约几乎将成定局。

    Greek banks remain shut on Tuesday as the nation looks set to formally default on a $ 1.8 billion loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund .

  17. 现在,面对阿富汗边境地区日益猖獗的塔利班反政府武装以及国际金融动荡,祖贝尔·坎恩说,政府除了接受条件苛刻的国际货币基金组织贷款之外可能没有其他选择。

    Now , facing a growing Taliban insurgency along its Afghan border and a gloomy international financial climate , Zubair Khan says the government may have no other choice but to accept the hardships of an IMF loan .