
  • 网络international film festival
  1. 本片是柏林国际电影节和多伦多电影节的官方展片。

    Official selection at the Berlin International Film Festival and the Toronto Film Festival .

  2. 香港国际电影节是世界影坛上每年一度非参选性质的主要电影节之一,通常在三月、四月举行。

    The annual Hong Kong International Film Festival , held in March / April , is one of the world 's major non-competitive film festivals .

  3. 这部影片现身于东京国际电影节的竞赛单元。影片中,核事故导致全国居民疏散,期间机器人却一直对主人(BryerlyLong饰)不离不弃。

    In the film , shown in the competition section of the Tokyo International Film Festival , the robot stays loyal to its owner - played by Bryerly Long - as the nation evacuates following a nuclear disaster .

  4. 张小涛的最新作品——长两个小时的数字动画电影《黄桷坪的春天》——已经提交至2016年柏林国际电影节(BerlinInternationalFilmFestival)。

    Mr. Zhang " s latest work , " Spring in Huangjueping , " is a two-hour digital animation movie that he has entered into the 2016 Berlin International Film Festival .

  5. 上海——对于《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers:AgeofExtinction)去年在中国取得的巨大成功,上海国际电影节也许只起到了很小的作用。

    SHANGHAI - The Shanghai International Film Festival may have played only a minor role in the blockbuster success of " Transformers : Age of Extinction " in China last year .

  6. 上个月我参加了《监守自盗》在多伦多国际电影节(torontointernationalfilmfestival)上的首映礼,当时我感到深深的沮丧。

    Not for my own peace of mind . Last month I went to the premiere of inside job at the Toronto International Film Festival . It was a deeply unnerving experience .

  7. 这个导游带领的参观者正在造访平壤,他们获得了一个为数不多的机会,可以走入朝鲜那令人困惑的表面文章的背后。他们正在参与两年一度的平壤国际电影节(PyongyangInternationalFilmFestival)。

    The guide 's charges were in town for one of the few chances that outsiders have to go behind the baffling facade of North Korea - the biennial Pyongyang International Film Festival .

  8. 在今年香港国际电影节(HongKongInternationalFilmFestival)上,有关篮球明星林书豪(JeremyLin)的纪录片、一部宋朝战争史诗影片和有关武术大师叶问(IPMAN)生平的最新影片成为关注焦点。

    A documentary about basketball sensation Jeremy Lin , a Song Dynasty war epic and the latest incarnation of Ip Man are in focus at this year 's Hong Kong International Film Festival .

  9. 中国电影《白日焰火》(BlackCoal,ThinIce)在柏林国际电影节(BerlinInternationalFilmFestival)获颁最佳影片奖,这是中国电影在寻求在国际建立声名过程中最新一项斩获。

    The Chinese film ' Black Coal , Thin Ice ' won best picture at the Berlin International Film Festival over the weekend , the latest win for China as it seeks global prominence in film .

  10. 上周末,莉顿·梅斯特出席了多伦多国际电影节,并参加了自己的新片《TheOranges》的首映。

    Over the weekend , Leighton hit the Toronto International Film Festival where she promoted and premiered her new movie , The Oranges .

  11. 香港国际电影节协会(HongKongInternationalFilmFestivalSociety)主席王英伟说,大家聚在一起,因为相信今后的行动将更有效地推动亚洲电影业发展。

    ' We have come together because we believe what we do in future will be more impactful on the development of Asian cinema , ' said Wilfred Wong , chairman of the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society .

  12. 上海&对于《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers:AgeofExtinction)去年在中国取得的巨大成功,上海国际电影节也许只起到了很小的作用。

    SHANGHAI & The Shanghai International Film Festival may have played only a minor role in the blockbuster success of Transformers : Age of Extinction in China last year .

  13. 去年5月份,中国最具挑性的导演之一贾樟柯就凭借电影《天注定》(ATouchofSin)在戛纳国际电影节(CannesInternationalFilmFestival)获得了最佳剧本奖。

    Jia Zhangke , one of China 's most provocative directors , won the award for best screenplay at the Cannes International Film Festival last May with his film ' A Touch of Sin . '

  14. 香港国际电影节节目策划王庆锵(JacobWong)说,叶问这个角色被刻画得栩栩如生,他捍卫弱者,向劳动阶级传授咏春拳。

    He 's depicted as ' a down-to-earth character , defending the underdog and teaching kung fu to the working class , ' says festival curator Jacob Wong . '

  15. 为了加深合作及扩大影响力,亚洲电影大奖如今由亚洲历史最悠久的电影节――香港国际电影节(HongKongInternationalFilmFestival)、釜山国际电影节(BusanInternationalFilmFestival)和东京国际电影节(TokyoInternationalFilmFestival)联合主办,

    In a bid to broaden their relevance and scope , the awards are now jointly organized by Asia 's most-established film festivals : The Hong Kong International Film Festival , the Busan International Film Festival and the Tokyo International Film Festival .

  16. 中国女演员汤唯和电影导演岸西(IvyHo)在香港国际电影节上露面,出席她们合作的浪漫喜剧片《月满轩尼诗》(CrossingHennessy)在周日晚间的首映。

    Chinese actress Tang Wei and director Ivy Ho appeared at the Hong Kong International Film Festival for the Sunday-night premiere of their romantic comedy ' Crossing Hennessy . '

  17. 温斯坦公司今年参赛的重头戏《模仿游戏》(TheImitationGame)周五上映,显然是想借助颁奖季的势头。该片两个月前获得了多伦多国际电影节的观众选择奖。

    The Weinsteins " big horse in this year 's race , " The Imitation Game , " opened on Friday , two months after winning the Toronto International Film Festival 's audience award , and doubtlessly riding that awards momentum .

  18. 北京——台湾导演侯孝贤的上一部长片是八年前朱丽叶·比诺什(JulietteBinoche)主演的《红气球之旅》,它风格简洁,曾在戛纳国际电影节上充当“一种关注”单元的开幕影片。

    Beijing - It has been eight years since the Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-Hsien 's last feature-length film , the elliptical " Flight of the Red Balloon " starring Juliette Binoche , opened the Un Certain Regard section at the Cannes International Film Festival .

  19. 长春国际电影节每年一度在此举行。

    The Changchun International Film Festival is held here every year .

  20. 据路透社报道,第67届威尼斯国际电影节于周三开幕。

    The67th Venice International Film Festival opened Wednesday , Reuters reported .

  21. 有10部影片在各类国际电影节上获12项奖。

    Ten movies won 12 prizes in various international movies festivals .

  22. 上海国际电影节已经开始朝这个方向发展。

    The festival has already begun moving in that direction .

  23. 我们是中国惟一的国际电影节。

    We are the only International Film Festival in china .

  24. 这部电影将于本月31日星期三在香港国际电影节上放映。

    It will screen at the31st Hong Kong International Film Festival on Wednesday .

  25. 祝愿第二届北京国际电影节圆满成功!

    So my very best wishes for the 2nd Beijing International Film Festival .

  26. 北京国际电影节的构想与展望

    Beijing Conceives and Outlooks of the International Film Festival

  27. 上海国际电影节新闻报道研究

    A Study on News of Shanghai International Film Festival

  28. 该片于2月21日在柏林国际电影节首映。

    The movie premieres at the Berlin International Film Festival on February 21 .

  29. 金爵的盛典:东方情思及其文化磁场效应&第8届上海国际电影节漫笔

    Note of the 8th Shanghai International Film Festival

  30. 今年有17部电影角逐上海国际电影节金爵奖。

    This year 17 films were in competition for the festival 's top awards .