
ɡuó jì wán xiào
  • 熟语international joke—huge joke
  1. 另外一名名叫RichardRego的用户表示,这次事件是“世界上最大的民主国家的最高首脑开的最大的国际玩笑。”

    Another user - Richard Rego - said it was " the biggest international joke from someone occupying the biggest chair in the biggest democracy . "

  2. 你开什么国际玩笑?

    Just what kind of prank are you pulling ?

  3. 如果再用汇率来指责别国,那简直就是在开国际玩笑。

    If America still used exchange rate to reproach other nations , it is literally ridiculous !

  4. 简直就是个国际大玩笑。

    Here 's the cosmic joke in all this .

  5. 一位经常去上海的国际律师开玩笑说,企业有三本账:一本给国际投资者看(夸大利润);一本给税务人员看(少报利润);一本记录着实情。

    An international lawyer who frequents Shanghai jokes about companies with three sets of books : one for international investors ( which overstates profits ) ; one for the taxman ( which understates profits ) ; and one recording the truth .