
  1. 与其他许多环境公约一样,《国际水道非航行使用法公约》采取了框架性公约的形式。

    As many other environmental conventions , this convention adopted the form of the framework convention .

  2. 拟订国际水道非航行使用法公约全体工作组关于对国际民用航空进行不法干涉行为的公

    Working Group of the Whole for the Elaboration of a Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses

  3. McCaffrey担任联合国国际法委员会特别报告员期间富有成效的外交手腕促成了1997年对《联合国国际水道非航行使用法公约》中的草案条款的采用。

    McCaffrey 's effective diplomacy during the years he served as UN Special Rapporteur for the International Law Commission the 1997 adoption of the draft articles of the UN Convention on the Law of Non-navigational Use of International Watercourses .