- 网络International;International Service

Paul Butler is the financial manager in the Office of International Services at Indiana University Bloomington .
International services outsourcing is a special implementation approach of international services trade . Multilateral trade rules based on the framework of the WTO system had a significant impact on international service outsourcing .
The SWOT of Qingdao to develop the international service outsourcing industry .
The GATS controls most services field including telecommunications services , is the " game rule " of the international trade in services .
Management mode of international trade in services in China should be improved to adapt to the concerning rules of GATS .
Under the guidance of the principle of gradual liberalization in the WTO , as an important part of international service trade , shipping service also is heading for liberalization .
Some Problems of Statistical Research of International Service Trade : the Viewpoint Based on GATS
The GATS provides strong foundation and legal framework to regulate and liberalize trade in trade in services .
However , as the first framework regulating international trade in services , GATS unavoidably has some defects .
EBay initially entered China with an auction site closely resembling its international service at the start of the last decade .
There is also China 's request to join with the U.S. , the EU , and others in talks on a proposed agreement on international trade in services in Geneva on the sidelines of the WTO .
As the further development of economic globalization and the continued opening up of international service market , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in service sector has become the most important area of the world FDI field .
The establishments of World Trade Organization and General Agreement on Trade in Service have normalized the operation on international trade services , and promoted the development of international trade services .
After China 's entry into WTO , education has been brought into the International Service Trade System . We must consider the reform and development of China 's education with the sense and regulations of international service trade .
As an important part of international service trade , international maritime services in China is bound to be affected and regulated by GATS .
GATS , as one of the basic rules that the member of WTO is required to observe to develop international service trade , is the first set of legal multilateral rules in this field up to now .
Under such circumstances , to establish FDI statistics , which is also the premises of FATS of a nation 's international service trade , becomes a necessity of all countries to accelerate economic development and participate in economic negotiations .
GATS , as the first multilateral legal framework for the liberalization of the international trade in services , provides an important basis for the trade in services of international tourism .
It is with the signing of " a package of agreements ", including the GATS , in Uruguay Round , the basic legal framework of international trade in services has initially been built .
This paper is divided into three sections : The first section comments on the basic theory of international trade in services . This provides the theoretical basis for studying GATS and our country 's legislation of trade in services .
Studying trade in services is sure to start from two respects . First , study the pure theory of trade in services , second , study the multilateral negotiation system of trade in services and service trade policy under GATS .
China 's laws relevant to trade services are quite different from those in GATS . In order to obtain the preferential treatment granted by GATS , and to be in an active position , China should improve it 's relevant laws both in contents and in forms .
Movement of Natural Persons ( MNP ), that is supplying a service by a service supplier of one member , through presence of natural persons of a member in the territory of any other member , is one of the four modes of conducting international trade in services .
International Service Trade : A New Sub-field of International Trade Geography
The Comparative Research on the System of External Service Trade Statistics
A Study on Method System of International Trade Service Statistics ;
The problems of China 's international service trade and the countermeasures
These rules constitute the basic law frame for international service trade .
International service organizations into small pockets of money to you to ?
The Analysis on Chinese Economic Growth Effect by Undertaking International Service Outsourcing