
  • 网络International political relations;International Politics Relationship
  1. 在全球化背景下国际经济关系决定国际政治关系,在国际交往中应采取相应的策略。

    Under the globalization background , international economy relationship determines international politics relationship . China should adopt relative tactics in international intercourse .

  2. 世界经济一体化的发展使得国际政治关系与国际经济关系的互动性日益加强。

    The unification of world economy strengthens the interactivity between international political and economic relations .

  3. 剖析和阐明了东北亚历史研究中的几个重点问题,提出了将历史问题同现实的国际政治关系区别对待的观点。

    The author has a standpoint that the historical problem should be distinctively from the actual international political relations .

  4. 国际政治关系诸因素变化对我国承办2008年奥运会的影响与对策研究

    Study on the Impact of Various Factors of International Politics and Economics on the 2008 Olympic Games and Countermeasures

  5. 它对当代国际政治关系具有重要的指导意义,也为当代中国的对外政策提供了可资借鉴之处。

    It provides important guides to contemporary international political relations as well as instructive lessons to current foreign policies of China .

  6. 气候变化不仅严重影响自然生态系统,而且对全球经济发展和国际政治关系也将产生深远的影响。

    Climate change will not only influence natural ecological system , but give a far-reaching effect on global economic development and international political relationship .

  7. 正是由于各国建立了日趋完善的预测体制,现代国际政治关系才得以形成并稳定下来。

    Just because countries set up the perfect prediction system day by day , the modern international political relation have been formed and settled down .

  8. 20世纪后期,特别是冷战结束以后,全球化进程加速进行,国际政治关系和国际经济关系都获得了新的发展。

    During the latter period of the 20th century , especially after the Cold War , the globalization is speeding up , and the international political and economic relationship develops to a new stage .

  9. 它既给人们提供了一种认识国际政治关系的新的分析框架和研究范式,也有着优化国际政治关系、增加信任、缓解危机、推动国际政治关系向前发展的重要实践意义。

    It offers us a new analysis framework and study paradigm , and is of important practical significance to optimize international political relations , increase trust , relax crisis and promote international political relations as well .

  10. 在世界经济一体化、国际政治关系日益复杂化的今天,突破传统的语言模式,契合创新思维,已经是我们研究跨文化交际问题的焦点。

    In such a day when integration of world economy and the international political relations are becoming increasingly complicated , breaking through the traditional language pattern and combining creative thinking has become a focus in our intercultural communication study .

  11. 本章首先对经济全球化作了一种框架式的分析,在此基础上着重从国际政治关系结构、国际贸易和国际分工、资本的全球流动、技术和文化等维度探讨了经济全球化对发展中国家的影响。

    In this part , the economic globalization as a background is discussed first , and the rest of this part is given to the analyzing of the effects of international politics , international trade or economic specialization , global capital flows , the development of technologies and cultures .

  12. 欧盟作为独特的区域性一体化组织的不断成功与发展,使之在当代国际政治经济关系中的作用迅速增强。

    European Union , as a specific regional organization , plays much greater role in the international political and economical relationship .

  13. 二战后,国际政治经济关系的内容构成日趋多元,国家在设定本国国家利益目标上随之多元。

    After the Second World War , with the contents of international politics and economics relationship diversify gradually , states diversify their national interest target too .

  14. 信息技术革命给国际政治经济关系带来的深刻影响,使得信息时代的国际关系理论成为全球化时代国际关系研究的新视野。

    The ongoing Information Revolution has had significant impacts on international relations , and it creates new horizons for IR scholars in the upcoming Information Age .

  15. 时代特征是指与特定时代相适应的国际政治经济关系的基本状态以及由世界的基本矛盾所决定和反映的基本特征。

    Characteristic of the time mean in conformity with specific era international political economic basic state and base determined and reflected by basic contradiction of the world of relation This characteristic .

  16. 全球性领域的出现,并不意味着地方性、国家性领域的消失,而是要求民族国家对于其自身在新型国际政治经济关系中的地位以及相应的主权行使范围有理智与现实的认识。

    The emerging global area does not mean the local , national area will disappear , but demands nation-states reasonably realize their status in a new international political and economic relations and the extension of dominion exertion .

  17. 在国内文化与国际政治相互关系的学术讨论中,特定意义下的政治文化逐渐成为人们关注的重点,成为人们分析理解国际关系问题的新视野或新方法。

    In the technicality discussion of the interrelation between internal culture and international Politics , Political Culture specifically defined has gradually become a pivotal topic for the scholars and a new perspective and methodology in the analysis and understanding of international relations .

  18. 造成这一局面的原因在于现今国际政治经济关系的现状,各国,特别是大国,作为国际经济法律制度建立或修改的重要推手,缺乏推进争端解决机制改革的政治意愿。

    This situation is primarily caused by the political and economic relation nowadays . Every country , particular strong country , as an important motive force in constructing and modifying international economic law , lack the political will to improve the Dispute Settlement System of WTO .

  19. 本文论述了亚太地区国际政治经济关系发展的趋势,分析了亚太地区跨国经济合作的历史进程,阐明了东北亚经济地域结构的基本特点与区域经济合作的变化态势。

    The Paper argued the tendency of international economic and political relations in Asian - Pacific region , analysed the course of Regional economic cooperation in Asian-Pacific , and expounded the essential features of economic geographical structure and change situation of economic cooperation in Northeast Asian region .

  20. 能源对人类社会经济的决定性作用,是能源与国际政治发生关系并进而对其产生深远影响的前提和基础,因而也是我们整个能源与国际政治研究的前提和基础。

    The decisive role of the energy to the society 's economy is the premise and base to the influence of the relationship between energy and international politics , and it is also the premise and base for us to study " the Energy and International Politics " .

  21. 国家形象在国际政治和国际关系领域中有着深远的影响。

    National images exert profound influence in many fields such as international politics and international relationship .

  22. 政治全球化进程的加快对国际政治、国际关系产生了深远的影响。

    The acceleration of political globalization has made a far-reaching influence on international politics and international relations .

  23. 霸权与霸权主义是国际政治与国际关系理论重要的研究课题之一。

    The hegemony and hegemonic is the research lesson of the international politics and international relations theories importance one of .

  24. 中俄两国关系是国际政治或国际关系的反映,遵循着国际关系发展变化的一般规律。

    The China - Russia relations is international political or the international relational reflection , is following the international relation development change general rule .

  25. 石油是国家的重要战略资源,也是国际政治经济军事关系最为敏感的一根神经。

    Oil is not only an important strategic resource for a nation , but also the most sensitive " nerve " in international political , economic and military relations .

  26. 新世纪美国先发制人的国家安全战略已经而且将对国际政治和国际关系产生重大而深远的影响。

    The Preemptive Strategy of the United States of America in the new century has already and will have had a great effect on the international politics and relationship .

  27. 从一定意义上讲,当代国际政治与国际关系的历史可以称为美国谋求世界霸权并推行霸权主义的历史。

    Speak from the certain meaning , and the contemporary and international politics and international relations can call the United States to seek the world hegemony and promote the hegemonic history .

  28. 恐怖活动由来已久,其产生有历史根源和现实条件。恐怖主义已经成为21世纪对人类和平与发展的主要威胁,对国际政治和国际关系也产生了重大影响。

    The terrorist activity is long-standing , terrorism has already become the main threat to the human peace and development in 21st century , great influence produced to international politics and international relations .

  29. 本文将采用历史研究的文献分析法借助国际政治、国际关系学的相关理论对墨西哥这一转型时期的墨美关系进行全面的考察。

    This article will conduct a comprehensive inspection on the Mexico-U.S. relations in the transformation period of Mexico foreign policy with historical approach and the guidance of theories of international politics and international relations .

  30. 他的十多种学术著作大多探讨了当代国际政治和国际关系等领域的重大理论问题,在学术界影响颇大。

    About ten kinds of academics works of his mostly inquire into the theoretical questions of such fields as contemporary international politics , international relations , etc. And it has great influence in the academic circles .