
  • 网络International Nursing;International Nurse;care international
  1. 国际护理专业于2007年在本校开设。

    International Nursing major was set up in this school in 2007 .

  2. 从国际护理教育的发展看国内的护理现状

    Nursing Status Quo in China From the Viewpoints of International Nursing Education Development

  3. 国际护理实践分类法在医嘱标准化中应用的可行性研究

    Application of International Classification of Nursing Practice in Standardization of Medical Orders

  4. 国际护理实践杂志。

    International Journal of Nursing Practice .

  5. 国际护理专业要求学生在知识获得方面既要通晓护理专业知识的同时,也要求该专业的学生掌握英语应用能力。

    The students in this major must have nursing knowledge and English application abilities as well .

  6. 护理伦理决策是当前国际护理理论和实践研究的热门课题之一。

    At present , ethical decision-making in nursing is one of the popular topics in international nursing theory and practice investigation .

  7. 综合因素笔者欲将任务型语言教学方法应用在国际护理英语教学中,用实验研究其方法的可行性。

    The comprehensive factor under the author to task-based language teaching methods used in international nursing English teaching , experimental research with the feasibility of the method .

  8. 现代国际护理质量综合评价方向则是以质量促进为特点,以临床护士为护理质量促进的主体,管理上更加注重预防质量问题的发生。

    The development of the international comprehensive evaluation on nursing quality has a new orientation , which is featured by quality promotion , and clinical nurses are the subjects of quality promotion in management , and more attention is paid to preventing quality problems from occurring .

  9. 萨德尔是哥伦比亚大学国际艾滋病护理和治疗项目(ICAP)的主任。

    Sadr is the Columbia University International AIDS care and treatment programs ( ICAP ), director .

  10. 国际个人护理品标签最新发展趋势

    Development Of International Personal Nursing Label

  11. 研究儿童和青少年精神健康状况的国际专业护理组织。

    Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nurses-national nursing specialty organization for children and adolescent mental health .

  12. 国际高等护理教育评估的发展与现状

    A review on the development and present status of accreditation of higher nursing education in foreign countries

  13. 国际学术护理联盟为全世界护理学教员提供一个电子社区并提供范围广泛的教育资源。

    The International Academic Nursing Alliance provides an electronic community for nursing trainers worldwide and offers a wide range of educational resources .

  14. 在本次会议开始之初,非政府组织国际家庭护理组织的成员吉尔?夏菲尔德就指出,该倡议的进展非常缓慢。

    As the conference opened , Jill Sheffield of family care international , a non-governmental organization , said progress has been slow .

  15. 国际家庭护理组织的谢菲尔德说尽管这个目标尚未达成,但只要每个人付出足够的努力就能接近目标。

    Family care International 's Sheffield says even if the goal is not met , it is possible to get close if everyone works hard enough .

  16. 国际合作的护理管理模式探讨

    Models of nursing management throught international cooperation

  17. [目的]了解国际上高等护理教育中使用的教与学策略,为发展适合我国高等护理教育的教与学策略提供参考。

    Objective : to know the teaching and learning strategies of worldwide used in college nursing education program , to provide a reference for establishing a suitable teaching and learning strategies of college nursing education in China .

  18. 为适应新世纪医疗卫生事业的发展势头,促进我国护理学科与国际接轨,护理专业的形象塑造显得尤其重要。

    For suiting the development impetus of the hygienic cause of the medical treatment in new century , promoting the nursing subject of our country jointing the internation , the image building of the nursing specialty looks especially important .

  19. 确定了达到国际羊毛局易护理羊毛服装耐久褶裥标准的整理工艺及处方。

    The feasible process and recipe for producing easy-care wool fabric with durable crease retention were obtained .

  20. 本文将讨论这些个别的努力是如何通过日益提高的国际社会对外伤护理的关注程度得到援助的。

    It will discuss how these individual efforts have been aided by increased international attention to trauma care .

  21. 类似的是,真正全面普及抗逆转录病毒治疗的努力承载着国际对预防和护理以及治疗的承诺。

    Similarly , the effort to provide truly universal access to antiretroviral therapy carries with it an international commitment to prevention and care as well as treatment .

  22. 引用国际最新的护理理论及护理模式,探讨高校社区护理的必要性、原则、现阶段存在的问题及对策。

    Introducing the international latest nursing theories and models , the paper probes into necessity , principles , existing problems in college or university communities and their countermeasures .

  23. 目的建立符合国际标准的医院护理质量管理体系,为患者提供全面的、整体的、高质量的护理服务。

    Objective The aim is to set up ISO 9000 nursing quality control system consistent with international standard , supplying general , holistic , high standard nursing service for patients .

  24. 培养涉外护理人才是实现与国际接轨及满足国际护理人才市场的需求。

    The training of foreign nursing personnel meets the needs of the international nursing talent market and the international standards .