
  • 网络international investment disputes
  1. 国际投资争议的处理

    Settlement of international investment disputes

  2. 浅析WTO争端解决机制的司法性质及其对国际投资争议解决法的影响

    A preliminary analysis of the juridical character of wto 's dispute settlement system and its influence on the International Investment Dispute Settlement Law

  3. 与传统国际投资争议解决方法相比较,WTO争议解决机制具有诸多优势,这必然导致越来越多的国际投资争议在WTO框架内解决,导致国际投资争议处理法的巨大变革。

    Compared with conventional approaches , a WTO based mechanism displays salient advantages , such that more and more disputes in international investment are to be settled under the framework of WTO systems , leading hopefully to radical transformations in the approaches to settling disputes in international investment .

  4. 随着国际投资的一些问题纳入WTO规则体系内,WTO争议解决机制在国际投资争议解决方面也成为一个积极的扮演者。

    With key issues concerning international investment incorporated into the WTO regulating systems , a WTO based mechanism is playing an ever increasingly active role in settling disputes in the areas of international investment .

  5. 近十年来,因为包含解决投资者和东道国间投资争议的国际仲裁机制的双边投资条约和贸易协定的数量越来越多,所以ICSID受理的有关国际投资争议的案件迅速增多。

    Over the past decade , an increasing number of bilateral investment treaties and trade agreements have signed . Most BITs and FTAs include the settlement mechanism of international arbitration for investment disputes between investors and host countries . So the cases submitted to ICSID increased rapidly .