
  • 网络International production capacity cooperation;international industrial capacity cooperation
  1. 基础设施建设是国际产能合作的切入点。

    Infrastructure development is the point of entry for global cooperation on production capacity .

  2. 国际产能合作是开放的合作,需要在全球范围内配置资源。

    Global cooperation on production capacity is open , and needs to allocate resources at a global scale .

  3. 反过来,推进国际产能合作,也有助于使各国贸易和投资更加自由化便利化。

    Inversely , promoting global cooperation on production capacity will contribute to trade and investment liberalization and facilitation of all countries .

  4. 中欧深化务实合作,特别是开展国际产能合作,可从四个领域取得突破。

    To deepen practical cooperation , particularly to carry out global cooperation on production capacity , China and the EU could endeavor to achieve breakthroughs in the following four areas .