
  1. 从结果上分析,国民政府食盐生产政策收到了实效,基本保证了国课民食。

    From the result , common salt production policy received actual effect and it basically guaranteed national tax and civilian s need .

  2. 藉此,国民政府获得了可观的财政收入,维持了战时盐业生产,从而实现了兼顾国课民食的目标。

    Through this system , the government acquired a large revenue to sustain its salt production and meet the country 's demand for salt .

  3. 论我国社会课的终结与再生

    The End and Rebirth of Social Curricula of China

  4. 现代国际数学课程改革的趋势及对我国新课改的启示

    The Trend of Reform of Modern International Maths Curriculum and Its Inspiration on New Curriculum Reform

  5. 我国新课改目标价值取向中提到要回归人本。

    The new curriculum reform in our country goal value orientation of the mentioned return to humanism .

  6. 在我国新课改全面进行之际,少数民族地区成为我们关注的边缘地带。

    Full of new curriculum reform in our country , the edge of the ethnic minority areas as we focus on .

  7. 然而我国公共课心理学的教学现状并不尽如人意,存在着教材体系冲突、教学方法单调乏味、脱离学生实际生活等一系列问题。

    There exists a series of problems such as a clash of the system of teaching materials , dull teaching method , etc.

  8. 伴随我国新课改的步伐,数学史的教育价值进一步得到了认可并明确写进了课程标准。

    With our new curriculum reform pace , educational value of mathematics history is further recognized , clearly written into the curriculum standard .

  9. 20世纪80年代至今,教师专业知识越来越受到国内外教育界的重视,而自我国新课改以来,国内也出现了对教师专业知识的大量研究。

    Teachers ' professional knowledge has gotten more and more attention of educational field since 1980s , and there were many studies about the teachers ' professional knowledge after the curriculum reform .

  10. 受后现代主义哲学思潮尤其是后现代知识观的影响,在我国新课改过程中,响起了贬低科学知识教育作用与价值的声音。

    Influenced by the thought of post-modernism philosophy , especially the knowledge view of post-modernism , some people disparage the function and value of the scientific knowledge education in the new curriculum reform .

  11. 本部分在前面几部分的基础之上,借鉴外国经验,提出构建我国家庭课税制的措施,针对实行家庭课税制的阻碍因素一一应对。

    So this part will propose some steps for constructing our country family taxation system , and response to the hindering factors one by one through learning the foreign experiences and the previous introductions in this thesis .

  12. 第二章对我国新课改下小学语文教科书的基本概况做了总体概述,并比较分析了所选两个版本小学语文教科书编写的背景、编写的人员组成和教科书的使用情况的异同。

    The second part makes a general overview of Primary schools Chinese textbook based on the new reform of the curriculum , and analyze the differences of two editions of textbooks including background , structure of editors and situation of use .

  13. 随着我国新课改的发展,一些教师的教学方法发生了很大的变化,很多初中生能够流利的说一些简单的英语,而且课堂气氛也变得相当活跃。

    With the development of new curriculum reform in our country , the teachers ' teaching methods have changed a lot . Some junior middle students can speak some simple English fluently , and the ambience of English classroom also becomes active .

  14. 提高我国大学专业课双语教学水平的探讨

    The Studies of Improvement the Chinese University Professional Course Bilingual Education Level

  15. 从形体美的概念看我国大学生形体课的开设

    The Opening of the Figure Class at Universities from the Concept of Figure Beauty

  16. 这种模式对我国小学科学课教学具有重要启示。

    This model has great inspiration to the elementary school science instruction of our country .

  17. 目前,我国高中音乐课是以聆听、欣赏为主要教学方式的。

    At present , high school music class is to listen to and enjoy as the main teaching methods .

  18. 我国在新课改的实施过程中探究教学作为一种有效的教学方式备受人们推崇。

    The inquiry teaching as a quite efficient way in the course of renovating class wins good opinion in our country .

  19. 第三部分是我国小学科学课中信息技术的应用现状的调研。

    Part three deals with the investigation of information technology creating the virtual teaching situations in primary school science course in China .

  20. 第二部分详细论述了议程设置理论视野下,我国思想政治课实践中存在的问题及其成因分析。

    The second part discusses in detail the agenda setting theory perspective , the practice of ideological and political course of the problems and their causes .

  21. 这种认识和操作上的错误是导致我国小学语文课内阅读教学质量差、效率低的主要原因,而且越到中高年级这种不利影响越为突出,即使利用课外阅读也不能有效弥补。

    This misunderstanding and operational errors are the main reason causing reading teaching in primary schools of poor quality , low efficiency . Higher grades , worse results .

  22. 在我国,阅读课教学是初中英语课教学的核心,读前活动是英语阅读课的第一步。

    In our country , reading teaching and learning is the core of English teaching in junior middle school . Pre-reading activity is the first step of reading lesson .

  23. 本文在对我国信息检索课网络教学进行调查统计的基础上,分析我国信息检索课网络教学现状、存在的问题及发展趋势。

    Based on the investigation statistics to our country information retrieval class network teaching in the foundation , the paper analyzes of the present situation , problems and the developmental trend .

  24. 从形体美的概念入手,总结了形体美发展变化的基本特征,进而对我国大学生形体课美育教育作用与特点以及开设现状与存在问题进行了分析。

    Starting from the concept of figure beauty , the paper summarizes the basic developing characters of figure beauty and further analyzes the aesthetic role of the figure class , the present condition and existing problems .

  25. 把心理技能教学理论与普通高校体育理论实践结合起来,发展其理论为普通高校篮球教学提供新的理论与实践依据,并且为我国大学生篮球课教学的改革提供更新的理论依据。

    Psychological Skills Teaching Theory and the PE combination of theory and practice , develop their theory of teaching college basketball to provide a new theoretical and practical basis , and for the teaching of the reform of college basketball theoretical basis to provide updates .

  26. 由于历史上的原因,我国的体育课教学质量评价理论和方法还不太完善,这种状况的存在有碍于高校体育教学质量的提高和对高校体育教师的管理。

    But now , in our country , there is not better theories or methods to evaluate teaching quality of PE class , which has been brought on by history and which hinder the improvement of the teaching quality and the management of the teachers .

  27. 但是从以往的研究结果来看,前人的调查只是揭示了当前我国小学科学课的现状和存在问题,并没有从教师队伍本身出发来了解现在小学科学教师最为实际的专业发展需求。

    But from past research results , the researches just reveal the current situation and existing problems of elementary school science classes in our country , and researchers were not aware of the most practical professional development needs from the science teachers themselves in elementary school .

  28. 时代的发展促进了教育的变革,为培养符合时代要求的现代化人才,世界各国都在不断进行教育改革,我国的新课改也是其中之一。

    Development of the times to promote changes in education , in order to train person with ability in line with the request of modern , the education reforms are in the ongoing all over the world , and the New Curriculum in China is one of them .

  29. 美国社区学院AOI教育及对我国高职公共基础课改革的启示

    The Inspiration of Academic and Occupational Integration of American Community Colleges on Public Basic Course Reform of Chinese Higher Vocational Colleges

  30. 关于我国高等学校文献课几个问题的思考

    On the questions of literature course in universities and Colleges