
  • 网络the National Guard;Home Guard
  1. 有了一扇玻璃门,要是那些国民自卫军想登上街垒,他们脚上的老茧便会被划开。

    A glass door cuts the corns of the National Guard when they try to mount on the barricade . Pardi !

  2. 五个指定的人从蒙德都巷子走出了街垒,他们非常象国民自卫军。

    The five chosen men left the barricade by way of Mondetour lane ; they bore a perfect resemblance to members of the National Guard .

  3. 郊区的国民自卫军匆匆忙忙乱哄哄地赶来了。

    The National Guards of the suburbs rushed up in haste and disorder .

  4. 那些国民自卫军和士兵一面对他瞄准一面笑。

    The National Guardsmen and the soldiers laughed as they took aim at him .

  5. 幸亏他那身国民自卫军的制服,很顺利地就通过了。

    Thanks to his dress of a National Guardsman , he had made his way without difficulty .

  6. 街上单独的哨兵和回到区公所去的国民自卫军被人解除了武装。

    They disarmed isolated sentinels and National Guardsmen in the streets on their way to the Townhall .

  7. 那些国民自卫军把那红旗撕成条条,挂在他们的枪刺尖上。

    The National Guardsmen tore up the flag , and carried off its tattered remains on the points of their bayonets .

  8. 大致一个钟头过后,冉阿让出去了,穿上了国民自卫军的全套制服,并带了武器。

    About an hour later , Jean Valjean went out in the complete costume of a National Guard , and with his arms .

  9. 两个营,鼓上蒙着黑纱,倒背着枪,一万国民自卫军,腰上挂着刀,国民自卫军的炮队伴随着棺材。

    Two battalions , with draped drums and reversed arms , ten thousand National Guards , with their swords at their sides , escorted the coffin .

  10. 由于处于动乱时期,孩子穿一身国民自卫军的服装;而父亲仍是有产者的打扮,而这是为了谨慎。

    The child was dressed as a National Guardsman , owing to the insurrection , and the father had remained clad as a bourgeois out of prudence .

  11. ①一个国民自卫军瞄准安灼拉后,又垂下他的武器说:“我感到似乎要去枪杀一朵花。”

    A National Guardsman who had taken aim at Enjolras , lowered his gun , saying : " It seems to me that I am about to shoot a flower . "

  12. 取而代之的是他们会发现国防部的卡车,在那里有一位驻守的国民自卫军及一个上书在这里投票的大标识牌。”瓜达格说道。

    What they will find instead is a Department of Defense truck with a well situated National Guardsman , and a big sign that says ' vote here , " " said Guadagno .

  13. 只有一处,起义的人退却了,他们已在大庙街开始建立一座街垒,在和国民自卫军的一个排交火以后便放弃了那街垒,从制绳街逃走了。

    At a single point the insurgents yielded ; they abandoned a barricade begun in the Rue de Temple after having fired on a detachment of the National Guard , and fled through the Rue de la Corderie .