
  1. 国有资产授权经营公司的产权管理制度

    Property Rights Management Systems in Companies Authorized to Operate State-owned Assets

  2. 森工企业集团实行国有资产授权经营的探讨

    Management authority for state-owned property in forest industrial enterprise group

  3. 透视我国国有资产授权经营中的资产运营主体问题

    Perspective on Management Subject in Authorized Running of State-Owned Assets in China

  4. 国有资产授权经营存在的问题与对策

    Problems and countermeasures for authorized operation of the state-owned assets

  5. 国有资产授权经营与国有资产管理体制的改革

    Authorized Operation of State-owned Property and the Reform of Its Management System

  6. 国有资产授权经营制度的剖析及其重构

    Analysis and Reconstruction of the Delegated Management of State-owned Property

  7. 北京市国有资产授权经营制度研究

    A Study on the System of the State-owned Assets Authorizing Management in Beijing

  8. 简议国有资产授权经营的意义和作用

    On Significance and Functions of National Property Management Authorized

  9. 国有资产授权经营法律结构分析

    An Analysis on the Legal Structure of Authorized Management of State - owned Property

  10. 关于国有资产授权经营问题的探讨

    Authorize Operation About State-owned Asset Problem Discuss

  11. 国有资产授权经营的局限与出路

    A Tentative Approach to Outlet for limitations of Authorized - running of State - owned Assets

  12. 介绍了国有资产授权经营公司需建立的一套产权管理制度,以保障国有资产保值、增值这一根本性任务的完成。

    A set of property rights management systems have to be established in companies authorized to operate state-owned assets in order to preserve and increase the value of the said assets assuredly .

  13. 所以,亟需完善相关规定,在明确国有资产授权经营公司为国有资产出资人代表的基础上,妥为构建国有资产授权经营法律制度。

    The author considers that the establishment of the legal system should be based on the principle that the authorized operation corporate of state assets is the represent of state assets buyer .

  14. 国有资产授权经营作为我国国有资产管理的一种有效形式,对国有资产的有效运营、实现国有资产保值增值发挥着至关重要的作用。

    The authorized operation of state-owned assets , as an effective measure for managing the state-owned assets in China , plays a critical role in maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned assets .

  15. 国有资产经营公司这一市场主体(也是国有资产授权经营过程出现的一种新的国有资产出资人主体)的创造,搭建了政府与市场之间的沟通桥梁。

    The creation of state-owned assets management enterprise as a main market player ( also a new state-owned assets investor during the course of authorized operation of state-owned assets ) has set up a bridge for communication between the government and the market .