
  • 网络execution of national budget;budget execution
  1. 在回答各位的提问前,我先简要向大家介绍一下去年国家预算执行情况。

    Before answering your questions , I would like to brief you on the performance of last year 's state budget .

  2. 从目前各地财政报表的汇总情况看,1999年,国家预算执行情况比较好。

    According to the summary statements of local budget authorities , the general performance of state budget in 1999 is quite satisfactory .

  3. 克罗地亚政府是由首相领导,由两位副相和14位分别负责特定部门活动的部长辅佐。行政部门负责提交立法方案和制定国家预算,执行法律并指导制订国家的对内、外政策。

    The Croatian Government ( Vlada ) is headed by the Prime minister who has2 deputy prime ministers and14 ministers in charge of particular sectors of activity .

  4. 我国的审计风暴引发社会巨大反响,使公众对于国家财政预算的执行问题更加关注。

    Our audit storm caused a huge social repercussions , so that the public budget for the implementation of the State to pay more attention .

  5. (十)审查和批准国家的预算和预算执行情况的报告;

    ( 10 ) To examine and approve the state budget and the report on its implementation ;

  6. 第二十三条审计机关对国家建设项目预算的执行情况和决算,进行审计监督。

    Article 23 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the budget implementation and final accounts of the State 's construction projects .