- National interest comes above everything else

Raison D ' é tat Principle in Realist Tradition Realist Model argues that China 's foreign policy stem from calculation of loss-benefit .
Raison D ' é tat , as a realist foreign relations principle in modern Europe , was formed in France in the17th century .
Separately from the time spirit and strong " national first " feelings , self-conscious introspection consciousness and " die for sound " critical spirit , the attention of " person " three aspects , grasp the rear area dramas ' unique charm through analyzing and interpreting specific works .
The goal and task of social construction in the new era means Chinese government will change the thinking mode of state uppermost , and go into the whole society construction and government reformation which center on civil rights and social rights , a new reform is brewing and advancing .
The doctrine of state sovereignty replaced the waning supranational authority of the church .
National interest is the highest principle for international education policy , no matter it 's in education export countries or education import countries .
His diplomatic practice boosted the consolidation of a series of modern routines and rules of international relations and contributed greatly to the formation of modern international community .
For many newbie travelers , buying brand-name goods has become a central point of tourism , a way to participate in developed world consumerism and show the folks back home they 've indeed been abroad .
Most of college students have mainline values , such as national interest first , improved sense of social responsibility and be glad to dedicate . However , a small number of college students regard pragmatism and material interest as their values .
I have a personal theory , though : the more sexist the country , the lower the birthrate .
Confucian view of honor and disgrace , guided by benevolence and loyalty , focuses on collectivity and emphasizes on the supremacy of nation 's interests .
Then the thesis take Britain , the continental legal-system countries and USA for instance ; compare their constitutional law , the constitution protection and their political tradition pattern of constitutional supremacy , in order to summarize their characteristics .
Started from the theory of human nature , the natural rights , natural state and finally country are occured consequently , which reveals core of Hobbes ' thoughts : state sovereignty has the most priority .
Sustaining national sovereignty and profit , the supreme of nation profit is radical principle ;
Some foreign armies , especially in western countries , usually use munificent substantial treatment and better welfare guarantee to keep the troops in high moral , meanwhile they pay much attention to serviceman 's political education .
Realists propose that politics decides economy and power dominates market . Their goal is to pursue maximization of national interests , and their basic value is supremacy of sovereignty .