
  1. 矿业开发的国家环境安全评价指标研究

    Study on Assessment Indexes of National Environmental Security in Mining Exploitation

  2. 国家环境安全是与新时期的国家安全观的发展紧密相联系的。

    National environmental security is closely connected with the development of national security ideology in current period .

  3. 为了保障我国的国家环境安全,我们首先需要确立可持续发展的立法指导思想。

    In order to safeguard our environmental security , firstly we should confirm the sustainable development as our legal principles .

  4. 环境污染和资源破坏已经成为当前影响国家环境安全的重要因素,严重制约了我国人民生产和生活的可持续性发展。

    Nowadays environmental pollution and resources destroyed have become not only the important factors to influence the national security , but also restricted the sustainable development of our production and life seriously .

  5. 本文结合国家环境安全评估体系开发研究课题,完成了京津冀地区环境安全的评估案例,可以为该课题的完成提供经验。

    The thesis is finished based on development of national environmental security assessment system , and assesses the environmental security of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei province as cases , it can provide experiences for the subsequent task .

  6. 我国现在迫切需要通过法律的指引、预测、评价、强制规范的作用来实现国家环境安全,这部法律的出台对人们的生活健康乃至人类的可持续发展,均有十分重要的意义。

    It is crucial to realize the environmental security through legal guiding function , predicting function , evaluation function , compulsive regulation function , and the enactment of the Environmental Security Law can realize national environmental security on benefit of our health life and human 's sustainable development .

  7. 就目前研究而言,在探讨环境安全基本理论和科学问题的同时,应注重加强在国家环境安全、生态环境安全、突发环境安全事件等领域的技术方法、案例的应用型研究。

    This paper also discuses that the study on environmental security research specific method , technology and case study , especially in the field of national environmental security , ecological security and urgent environmental incident , should be strengthened at the time of study on fundamental theory and methodology .

  8. 论构建国家水环境安全保障体系

    How to Set up National Water Environment Safeguarding System

  9. 中国国家资源环境安全问题初探

    An issue on the national security of natural resources and environment for China

  10. 论国家生态环境安全法律问题

    On Some Legal Problems in State Ecological Environment Safety

  11. 加强海洋污染防治工作,保护国家海洋环境安全;

    Intensifying marine pollution control to protect the country 's marine environment security .

  12. 国家生态环境安全&巴西亚马逊的启示

    National Eco-environmental Security-Revelations from the Brazilian Amazon

  13. 为此,建议21世纪中国可持续发展战略的首要任务定位在确保国家资源环境安全的稳定性上。

    Therefore , the stability of China 's natural resources and environment is of vital importance to the country 's sustainable development strategy .

  14. 中国农田污染防控是农业可持续发展、农产品安全和国家生态环境安全的重大需求。

    It is an important requirement to prevent and remedy the cropland pollution for the sustainable development of agriculture , the safety of agro-products , and the security of ecological environment in China .

  15. 横向意义上讲国家安全以环境安全为基础,经济安全为核心,包括政治安全、军事安全、信息安全、金融安全、文化安全等内容。

    In the horizontal sense , environmental security is the foundation while economic security is the core of national security , including political security , military security , information security , financial security , cultural security and so on .

  16. “它不仅涉及粮食安全,还涉及国家安全、环境安全,”他在八国集团首次农业部长会议期间说。

    " This is not just about food security , this is about national security , it is about environmental security , " he said on the sidelines of the first meeting of the group of eight ministers of agriculture .

  17. 为从源头上控制污染、维护国家环境和生态安全、创建环境友好型、资源节约型社会,必须加强环境影响评价公众参与的作用,以使环境影响评价制度更好发挥其应有的作用。

    To control pollution at the source , and safeguarding national environmental and ecological security , create environment-friendly and resources-saving society , we must strengthen the role of public participation of environmental impact assessment , so that the environmental impact assessment system to better play its due role .

  18. 国家环境保护总局核安全管理司核电一处。

    Department of Nuclear Safety and Management of SEPA , China .