
ɡuó jiā hǎi yánɡ jú
  • State Oceanic Administration;State Oceanography Bureau
  1. 基于此,论文提出了基于Web服务的遥感数据共享,将Web服务应用到国家海洋局第一海洋研究所遥感数据集成与共享的工作中。

    For this , the paper brings out the remote sensing data share based on Web services , uses Web services to the work of data integration and share in First Institute of Oceanography SOA .

  2. 国家海洋局声明了钓鱼岛详细精确的经纬度以及它的70个附属岛屿,同时发布了位置地图,3D效果图以及钓鱼岛的草绘地图。

    The SOA announcement details the exact longitude and latitude of the Diaoyu Island and 70 of its affiliated islets while publishing location maps , 3D effect graphs and sketch maps for the Diaoyu Islands .

  3. 采用目前美国国家海洋局(NOAA)推荐的双边界二分式条件价值评估方法,对北京市空气质量改善产生的健康效益进行评估。

    The double-bounded dichotomous discrete contingent valuation method recommended by US NOAA was applied to evaluate health gains from air quality improvement in Beijing .

  4. 耦合模式中的海洋模式采用普林斯顿海洋模式(POM),冰模式采用国家海洋局海洋环境预报中心(NMEFC)的渤海海冰业务化数值预报模式。

    Princeton Ocean Model ( POM ) and the operational forecasting ice model for the Bohai Sea from National Marine Environment forecasting Center is adopted in the coupled model .

  5. 选取国家海洋局海洋管理人才为目标,使用层次分析法(AHP),建立了评价指标体系和评价模型,并对模型的原理、各项指标的设置以及模型应用进行了探讨。

    Taking ocean management talents the State Oceanic Administration as a target , the paper sets up an estimation targets system and estimation model using Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ), and discusses the principle of the model , the setting of the targets and the application of the model .

  6. 通过对国家海洋局第一海洋研究所提供的海洋微生物农用抗菌生物活性的筛选,得到了一株具有抑菌活性代谢产物的产生菌海洋放线菌H-09。

    A antifungal marine actinomycete H-09 was selected from marine microorganisms , which were obtained from the First Institute of Oceanography State Oceanic Administration .

  7. 在国家海洋局支持下,国家海洋标准计量中心成功研制了JBY1-1型波浪浮标检定装置。

    Sponsored by State Oceanic Administration , National Center of Oceanographic Standards and Metrology has successfully developed the model JBY1-1 calibration equipment used for wave buoy .

  8. 2003年11月,机载海洋激光荧光雷达系统安装在国家海洋局北海分局的中国海监B-3807飞机上,成功的进行了首次飞行实验。

    In November 2003 , the Airborne ocean fluorescence lidar was installed on the China Marine Surveillance airplane B-3807 , and its first aviation experiment was carried out successfully .

  9. 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所

    Second Institute of Oceanography of the State Oceanic Administration

  10. 国家海洋局海底科学重点实验室

    Laboratory of Submarine Geosciences , State Oceanic Administration

  11. 但国家海洋局的声明却将这些身披鱼鳞的朋友与更具威胁性的神话中的怪兽联系起来。

    But the NOS statement associated the finned friends with more threatening mythological beasts .

  12. 国家海洋局杭州水处理中心膜技术进展概况

    Advance in membrane separation technology of the development center of water treatment technology , SOA

  13. 国家海洋局昨日派出工作组奔赴海南,协助当地的灾害救援行动。

    The State Oceanic Administration on Thursday sent a work team to Hainan to assist with disaster relief operations .

  14. 方法:依据国家海洋局制订的《海洋调查规范》进行调查。

    Methods : The investigation was carried out according to the'Specfication of Oceanographic Investigation'issued by the State Oceanic Administration .

  15. 但马军也表示他们会全程关注国家海洋局的诉讼过程以确保公众利益得到保障。

    But Ma said that they would be watching SOA in its litigation process to ensure public interests were represented .

  16. 昨日,国家海洋局出台十项措施,减少审批环节和时间。

    Yesterday , the State Oceanic Administration ( SOA ) introduced ten measures to reduce time and links of the approval .

  17. 国家海洋局同意康菲公司逐步实施恢复生产相关作业,中国国家海洋局表示。

    The State Oceanic Administration agrees to allow Conoco to gradually implement operations related to resuming production , the agency said .

  18. 中国国家海洋局将推进海上统一执法,而现行海上执法力量则由不同部门负责。

    China 's top oceanic administration will bring its maritime law enforcement forces , which are currently scattered in different ministries .

  19. 国家海洋局表示,此次漏油事故是中国历史上最严重的一次海洋污染事故。

    According to the State Oceanic Administration ( SOA ), the oil spill was the worst oceanic environmental accident in Chinese history .

  20. 2003年福建省海洋与渔业局荣获国家海洋局颁发的全国海洋综合管理特等奖。

    Fujian Provincial Oceanic & Fishery Administration was awarded Special Grade for State Marine Integrated Management by the State Oceanic Administration , 2003 .

  21. 国家海洋局说:公告旨在帮助公众了解关于钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿的信息。

    The announcement aims to help the public understand the information concerning the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islets , the SOA said .

  22. 而上月由国家海洋局发布的另一份报告则强调说,近年来由于海平面上升,沿海地区遭受了严重的土地侵蚀。

    A separate report released by the State Oceanic Administration last month highlighted how coastal cities have suffered terrible erosion due to recent sea-level rise .

  23. 根据国家海洋局发布的通知显示,这些新的公园分布于辽宁、山东、福建、广东、海南等省份。

    The new parks are located in the provinces of Liaoning , Shandong , Fujian , Guangdong and Hainan , according to an SOA circular .

  24. 国家海洋局呼吁中海油“继续督促和协助康菲公司”落实新开发方案的各项环境要求。

    The State Oceanic Administration called on CNOOC to " continue to supervise and assist ConocoPhillips " in implementing the environmental requirements of the new development plan .

  25. 国家海洋局强调,在公园某些区域开展旅游、生态养殖等活动的同时,还需要加强海洋环境的保护。

    The SOA has stressed the need to improve protection of the marine environment when tourism and aquaculture activities are conducted in certain zones of the parks .

  26. 中国国家海洋局日前公布了九个新的国家级海洋公园,这就使得这样的公园的总数达到了42个。

    The State Oceanic Administration ( SOA ) has announced nine new state-level marine parks , bringing the total number of such parks in China to 42 .

  27. 同时,国家海洋局昨天表示,中国将推广使用无人驾驶飞机或无人操作的飞行器,以加强其海洋监管。

    Meanwhile , the State Oceanic Administration said yesterday that China will promote the use of drones , or unmanned aerial vehicles , to strengthen its marine surveillance .

  28. 美人鱼那些半人半鱼的海妖只是传说中的海洋生物。美国国家海洋局的网上声明如是说。

    " Mermaids those half-human , half-fish sirens of the sea are legendary sea creatures ," read the online statement from the National Ocean Service ( NOS ) .

  29. 双方还谈到了在日本海上保安厅和中国国家海洋局之间建立热线,以在拥挤的海洋上进行搜救合作。

    There is talk of establishing a hotline between the Japan Coast Guard and the China National Oceanic Bureau , to co-ordinate search-and-rescue missions in an increasingly crowded sea .

  30. 国家海洋局在其网站上发表声明说本公告的目的是帮助公众了解钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿的相关知识。

    The announcement aims to help the public understand the information concerning the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands , the SOA said in a statement on its website .