
  • 网络National Innovation System;National System of Innovation;NIS
  1. 区域农业创新体系是国家创新体系的重要组成部分,在建设和谐社会、区域协调发展的过程中,行政区经济已成为区域创新体系建设的瓶颈因素。

    RAIS is an important part of NIS , administrative area economy has become a bottleneck factor in the process of building a harmonious society and coordinated developing regions .

  2. 基于该理论,本文深入探讨了国家创新体系构建的内在机理及微观机制,并建立了国家创新体系评估的系统的参考框架。

    On the basis of this theory , we will explore the intrinsic principle and micro mechanism of NIS construction , and establish a systematical consulting framework for NIS evaluation .

  3. 在理论界,国家创新体系的构建和评估是NIS研究的两条主线。

    In theoretical field , the construction and evaluation of national innovation system have become the two main threads of NIS research .

  4. SBIR模式被证明具有适应多种国家创新体系的高度可塑性,是一个全球创新政策最佳实践的典范。

    The SBIR concept has proven to be highly adaptable to a variety of national innovation systems and is an example of global best practice in innovation policy .

  5. 在我国国家创新体系的建设中,应进一步提高企业的创新能力尤其是从事基础研究与应用研究的能力,也应增加科学研究活动在RD活动中的份额。

    In the construction of our country 's national innovative system , the innovation ability of enterprises should be improved , especially ability to engaged in basic research and applied research further , the share of the scientific research activities in RD activity should be increased , too .

  6. 第五章建立了对接跨国公司R&D资源转移的N-C-P分析框架,提出基于国家创新体系,从五个层面实现内向对接;发展技术获取型对外直接投资,实现外向对接的双向(内外向)对接思想。

    Chapter 5 builds a N-C-P model for analyzing jointing with TNC R & D resources . This part also puts forward the theory of an inward five layers jointing system based on NIS and an outward jointing way by Technology Sourcing FDI .

  7. 论我国国家创新体系的信息资源配置

    On Information Resource Allocation in the National Innovation System in China

  8. 加强基础科学研究建设国家创新体系

    Strengthening Basic Science Research , Constructing the System of National Innovation

  9. 国家创新体系中的孵化器投资分析

    An Analysis of Venture Capital of Incubator in National Innovation Systems

  10. 中国科学院与国家创新体系。

    CAS and the National System of Innovation ( NIS ) .

  11. 企业的创新是国家创新体系的基础。

    Enterprise innovation is the basis of a national innovation system .

  12. 国家创新体系中学术期刊青年编辑的修养

    Self-cultivation of young editors of academic journals in National Innovation System

  13. 国家创新体系&系统论研究中的一个新课题

    National Innovation System & A new question for discussion on systematology

  14. 国家创新体系中图书馆的作用及发展对策

    The Function and Development Measures of Library in Country Innovation System

  15. 国家创新体系中科技期刊作用的系统评价

    Systematic evaluation on role of sci-tech periodicals in national innovation systems

  16. 美国新经济与国家创新体系模式研究

    American New Economy and Research on the Model of National Innovative Systems

  17. 国家创新体系协同学习的一个分析框架

    An Analysis Framework of Synergy Learning of National Innovation System

  18. 工程中心是国家创新体系的重要组成部分。

    An engineeringcenter is an important part of the national innovation system .

  19. 基于国家创新体系研究生创新人才培养的研究

    The Research of Post-graduate Innovative Talent Training Based on National Innovation System

  20. 据此,宜将“国家创新体系”更改为“国民创新体系”。

    So , we should change nation innovation system to nationals'innovation system .

  21. 国家创新体系中现代社会中介组织作用机制研究

    Role Mechanism Study of Modern Social Intermediary Organizations in National Innovation System

  22. 国家创新体系动力机制研究

    The Study of the Motive Force Mechanism of the National Innovative System

  23. 国家创新体系的信息消费市场研究

    A Study on the Information Consumption Market of the National Innovation System

  24. 整合&澳大利亚国家创新体系的发展方向

    Integration - The Trend of National Innovation System of Australia

  25. 知识经济时代的八大特征及国家创新体系

    Eight Features of Knowledge Economic Age and National Initiative System

  26. 研究生教育在国家创新体系中的地位与作用

    The Position and Role of Graduate Education in The State Innovation System

  27. 建立国家创新体系,保护知识产权;

    Establish national innovation system and protective intellectual property ;

  28. 试论国家创新体系及其制度安排

    On the National Innovation System and Its Institution Arrangement

  29. 关于国家创新体系理论的思考

    Some Issues On the Theory of National Innovation System

  30. 论高校图书馆在国家创新体系建设中的作用

    The Role of College Libraries in Innovation System Proposal