
ɡuó jiā bǎo hù
  • national protection
  1. 相互依存条件下的经济开放与国家保护

    Economy Open And National Protection Under The Reliance On Each Other

  2. 国家保护植物14种;

    14 species of national protection plants .

  3. 国家保护开发者的合法权益。

    The State protects the legitimate rights and interests of developers .

  4. 第二十六条国家保护合法的收养关系。

    Article 26 The state shall protect lawful .

  5. 以下是她在考察纳街(Nakai)南通国家保护区时写的日记的摘要。这次考察是世界银行2007年2月派出的一个监督团的工作的一部分。

    Below are excerpts from the diary she kept during her trip to the Nakai Nam Theun National Protected Area as part of a World Bank supervision mission in Feb.2007 .

  6. 其中国家保护的珍稀濒危植物有31种,广东省保护的珍稀植物2种;

    33 species are rare and endangered species protected in China .

  7. 我不有一个问题,与国家保护其公民

    I don 't have a problem with the state protecting its citizens

  8. 粤东地区的国家保护植物

    The State-protected Plants in the Eest Area of Guangdong Province , China

  9. 12种为国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物。

    12 species national special protected wildlife with economic and scientific research value .

  10. 国家保护私营企业的合法权益。

    The State protects the legal rights and interests of the private enterprise .

  11. 将水利基础设施建设列为国家保护农业生态环境重要内容之一。

    To construct water facilities in line with national projects for agricultural environment protection ;

  12. 其中51种为中国特有种,占区内全部种类的9.92%,属于国家保护的种类有10种。

    10 species are national protected species . Most species are in buffer zone .

  13. 国家保护社会主义的公共财产。

    The state protects socialist public property .

  14. 国家保护正常的宗教活动。

    The state protects normal religious activities .

  15. 国家保护责任三题

    Three Opinions on State Responsibility to Protect

  16. 列为国家保护动物的有华南虎、穿山甲、苏门羚、小灵猫。

    As a national protected animals are tigers , pangolin , serow , a small civet .

  17. 国家保护公民的宗教信仰自由和正常的宗教活动。

    The state protects the freedom of religious belief and the normal religious activities of citizens .

  18. 玛瑙化石地层国家保护区

    Agate Fossil Beds National Monument

  19. 希拉悬崖住所国家保护区

    Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument

  20. 喇嘛教在蒙古帝国有其特殊地位,享有蒙古人的国家保护。

    A special place in the Mongol empire was reserved for Lamaism . Lamaism enjoyed state protection .

  21. 缪尔树林国家保护区

    Muir Woods National Monument

  22. 朱厄尔洞穴国家保护区

    Jewel Cave National Monument

  23. 沃尔纳特峡谷国家保护区

    Walnut Canyon National Monument

  24. 杰克逊洞国家保护区

    Jackson Hole National Monument

  25. 这就是我们的国家保护的安全和稳定的金融业带来新的挑战。

    This is how our country to protect the security and stability of the financial industry has brought new challenges .

  26. 从最初的直接效力理论到间接效力理论再到国家保护义务理论。

    From the direct effect theory to the indirect effect theory , and then to the State obligation to protect theory .

  27. 由此需要根据社会化小农的基本状况建构完善的社会化服务体系,并提供相应的国家保护和支持。

    All that needs to construct a more complete socialized service system with government 's protection and support on the demand of their basic situation .

  28. 国家保护依法开发利用野生动物资源的单位和个人的合法权益。

    The state protects the lawful rights and interests of units and individuals engaged in the development or utilization of wildlife resources according to law .

  29. 反倾销法令就是国家保护国内货物的手段,但,在特殊的情况下,反倾销法可以对社会利益带来很大的损害。

    Anti-dumping laws is a tool to protect domestic goods , but in special cases , it also brings great harm to the economic benefits .

  30. 第三十三条国家保护教师的合法权益,改善教师的工作条件和生活条件,提高教师的社会地位。

    Article 33 The State protects the lawful rights and interests of teachers , improves their working and living conditions and enhances their social status .