
  • 网络land and resource survey;Land and Resources Investigation
  1. 单频GPS接收机在国土资源调查应用中的误差分析

    Error analyse of the single frequency GPS receiver in land and resources investigation

  2. 面向21世纪的萧山国土资源调查工作

    Land and resource survey in Xiaoshan , facing the 21st century

  3. 3S技术在国土资源调查、环境保护及地质灾害评价与预测中的应用展望

    Prospects for the application of 3S technique to the investigation of land resources , protection of environment , and evaluation and prediction of geo-hazards

  4. 为了国土资源调查和防洪防灾,在长江中游建立了大地形变GPS监测网,以监测水患区的构造沉降。

    In order to investigate land resources and prevent flood and disaster , a GPS geotectonic deformation-monitoring network was established to monitor the tectonic subsidence of the flooded area in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River .

  5. HT-1微小卫星及其在国土资源调查中的应用

    HT-1 Micro-Satellite and its Application in the Survey of Land Resource

  6. 随着GNSSCORS技术研究的深入研究和广泛应用,必将对国土资源调查领域的工作方式带来革命性的变化。

    The deep study and the wide use of the GNSS CORS technology will bring in revolutionary changes in the field of the land resource survey .

  7. 山东省国土资源调查研究重点

    Survey and Study Direction of Land and Resources in Shandong Province

  8. 地理信息系统在国土资源调查中的应用

    The application of geographical information system in surveying land and resources

  9. 对国土资源调查项目经费预算编制与审查的思考

    Budget Making and Examining the Fund for Land Resource Survey Project

  10. 做好国土资源调查项目经费总结报告的体会

    Drawing up Summary Report of Using Geological Survey Project Fund

  11. 国土资源调查是实现知识经济的基础

    Land resources investigation is the basis of realizing knowledge economy

  12. 国土资源调查项目绩效考评的探讨与思考

    A Look at the Performance Examination and Appraisal for Land Resource Survey Project

  13. 从预算管理角度看国土资源调查专项资金管理

    Budget Management of Land and Resource Investigation Funds

  14. 成矿预测学是新一轮国土资源调查亟待加强研究的一个领域,本文回顾和评述了近20年来国内外成矿预测的理论和技术方法。

    A review on the theory and technological approaches on the prediction of minerals in .

  15. 航空遥感技术是城市国土资源调查的重要手段之一。

    The airborne remote sensing technique is one of important means in the survey of city land and resources .

  16. 国土资源调查及地质勘查新发现大中型矿产地156处。

    Some 156 new mineral deposits of large or medium scale were discovered through national land resources surveys and geological surveys .

  17. 国土资源调查是国家一项基础性、公益性、战略性的综合调查评价工程。

    Land Resource Survey is a national integrated investigation and evaluation engineering , and it is a basic , public welfare and strategic work .

  18. 从20世纪70年代起,遥感技术就被广泛的应用于国土资源调查和监测领域,并取得了丰硕的成果。

    Since 1970s , remote sensing technology was widely used in the field of land resources survey and monitoring , and has achieved fruitful results .

  19. 国土资源调查专项资金是中央财政为支持国家基础性、公益性、战略性国土资源综合调查评价工作而设立的专项基金。

    Land and Resource Investigation Funds are founded by central finance for supporting national basic , public and strategic land and resource comprehensive investigations and assessments .

  20. 成像光谱矿物识别和填图技术是中国国土资源调查和监测重点发展的高新技术之一。

    The imaging spectroscopic identifying and mapping technique is one of the advanced new techniques that are now mainly developed in land and resource survey and monitoring .

  21. 目前在基础地理数据更新、土地利用变化、国土资源调查检测等方面高分辨率遥感图像有着的广泛的应用。

    At present it is applied widely in the areas of updating the current base geographic data , change of land using , land resources survey detecting .

  22. 加强国土资源调查专项资金管理是实现国家财政预算体制改革、国土资源调查专项资金的有效供给以及提高国家专项资金使用效果等几个方面的必然需要。

    Its mandatory to reinforce the special fund management in national land and resources survey , to ensure the reform of national fiscal budget system , effective fund supply and utilization , etc.

  23. 进行土地覆盖分类是进行国土资源调查、规划及动态监测的基础,也是研究其环境效应、生态安全及其对全球变化影响的有效手段,意义十分重大。

    Land cover classification is the basis of surveying , planning and dynamic monitoring land resource , and is the effective means of studying environment effect , ecosystem security and global changing , therefore it has the important signality .

  24. 为更加有效地履行国土资源调查评价、规划、管理、保护和合理利用职能,各级国土资源管理部门必须充分利用以电子政务为主的信息化手段。

    To more effectively carry out the evaluation of land resources survey , planning , management , protection and rational utilization of the functions of land and resources management departments at all levels must make full use of e-government to information technology-based tools .

  25. 国土资源调查项目是由中央财政财政资金安排的国家专项计划项目,按照财政部的有关规定,属于中央经济建设部门项目绩效考评的对象。

    According to the relevant regulations of Ministry of Finance , Land resource survey project , which is the national special plan project arranged by central budgetary , belongs to the object of project performance examination and appraisal of central economic development department .

  26. 中国迫切需要应用航天工业的新技术、新方法,特别是应用卫星遥感技术进行海洋国土资源调查,研究和发射可以不断获取海洋地质调查新资料的遥感卫星已成为当务之急。

    Using new techniques , new methods , especially the spacecraft remote sensing technology to carry out oceanographic survey is an urgent need for China . It is very necessary to developing remote sensing satellites that can continually provide up_to_date information for oceanographic survey .

  27. 测绘成果为区域经济规划、国土资源调查、城市建设规划等诸多方面提供大量的基础地理数据,因而测绘成果管理显得尤为重要,而测绘成果管理却面临着许多问题。

    The surveying and mapping production supplies a lot of basic geographical data for regional economic programming 、 land resources survey 、 urban construction planning and so on , so the surveying and mapping production management is very important , but the production management is confronted with many problems .

  28. 3S技术在国土资源大调查中的应用初探

    Thoughts on Application of the 3S Technology in the Survey For the Land and Resources

  29. 同时指出我国国土资源大调查的重点在开展微型化嵌入式GIS、三维/四维GIS、网络GIS等方面的研究。

    And it is pointed out that the key to the China 's survey of territorial resources lies in carrying out such researches as embedded GIS , 3D / 4D GIS , web GIS , etc.

  30. 甘肃省地质调查院2001年在实施国土资源大调查项目时,成功地使用了GPS定位并辅以航迹监控,探索出一套GPS参数设定、校准、试验的方法。

    GPS has been used to take position and to control quality of the samples when Geological Survey Institute of Gansu province did items of country resource survey in 2001 . The enacting methods of parameter and calibration for GPS have been searched .