- solid solubility

Meta-stable Extension of Solid Solubility under Melt Quenching & Part ⅰ: The Mechanism and the Influencing Factors
Metastable extension of solid solubility of certain light rare-earth metals in Ag
And 0.50 % Sn addition can increase solid solution degree in Al atom .
Metastable extension of solid solubility of certain simple metals or metalloids in Ag
Microstructure and solid solubility of rapidly solidified ag-tb alloy
Solid-Solubility of MgO in the MgO ( 10.4mol % ) - ZrO_2 Powder Coprecipitated
The results showed that Mg and Cu powders could dissolve into each other and the dissolution degree became larger after milling .
Formulae of Equilibrium Solid Solubility of Fe_4N and Nitrogen in Iron Matrix
Prediction of the Solid Solubility of Binary Alloys Based on Pm , Tm Metals Using Parabola Method
However , problem still remains in Er-doped silicon , such as low solid solubility , temperature quenching and so on .
Ge doping in CZ Si can rise solubility of oxygen and critical radius of forming oxygen precipitation .
Solid solubility of ca ~ ( 2 + ) in the B site of batio_3 lattice
The solubility of Mn in solid Bi in as-quenched samples has been deduced to be 2.4 % from the data of magentic measurement .
It showed that X-ray diffraction technique was a good method for measuring solubility of solid solution , by which the solubility of many inorganic materials could be determined accurately .
Determination of Solid Solubility of Cerium in α - Fe by means of Magnetic Analysis
Extension of solid solubility induced by mechanical alloying in Fe-Cu system
It was found that the solid solubility of ruthenium in NdPd 3 is up to 13at % at 700 ℃ .
The result indicate that solidified velocity is more fast , the grains and the second-phase compound of alloy is more fine , and the solubility of solute-atom in Mg matrix increase .
When massive ferrite formed , the untransformed austenite solute more C , so decrease the solid solubility of Nb , induced dynamic precipitation of Nb ( CN ) .
For Co-Cu peritectic alloys , the solubility of Co in ( Cu ) phase is extended from 7.46 % under equilibrium condition to 20 % .
Lanthanum element exhibits big solid solubility limit in the magnesium matrix and the solubility considerably decreases with the temperature decreasing , which is satisfied to form the age hardening alloy .
The metastable extension of solid solubility of certain simple metals or metalloids in Ag has been studied by means of the lattice parameters measurement when the aUoy specimens quenched from melts .
Experimental results show that under high-intensity ultrasonication the microstructure is refined , the solid solubility and the uniformity of the distribution of Si in α ( Al ) are improved and the solute segregation is suppressed .
α - Mg phase of the X-ray diffraction peak of 2 θ angle with the small offset , that Al in solid solution α - Mg phase the decrease of element content with the point of measurement results .
Microstructure of Si-P alloy is refined greatly by rapid solidification processing .
Effects of electromagnetic casting on as-cast microstructures and solid solubility inside crystals of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr alloy
The Curie point is near room temperature when the film is calcined at about 525 . And the solid solubility of La in the perovskite phase decreases with increasing the calculation temperature of the film , and vice versa .
As the cerium content increased beyond a critical value , the coercive force increased abruptly . Based on an elaborate investigation and analysis , the critical value was found to be the maximum solubility of Ce in α - Fe .
The powder X-ray diffraction patterns indicate that the excess amount of Mg lead easily to the insulating MgB_6 and MgO impurities and the solubility of Mg in MgB_2 is limited . The resistivity in normal state increases rapidly with increasing x.
The formation of the amorphous phases in the Mg-Al-Ca system can be realized by expansion the solubility limit of Ca and Al in Mg via the mechanical driving force , even when the chemical driving force is very small .