
  1. 你为什么不叫她就在园林里干活呢,那行吗?

    Don 't you let her work in the grassland , ok ?

  2. 在中国的皇家园林里经常有长廊。

    There is always a long corridor in imperial gardens in China .

  3. 古典园林里的抽象雕塑&置石

    Purchase Stone & the Modernist Classical Garden Sculpture

  4. 他在园林里遇到了莉莎。

    He met Liza in his park .

  5. 嘉丁纳先生想在整个园林里兜个圈子,可是又怕走不动。

    Mr. Gardiner expressed a wish of going round the whole Park , but feared it might be beyond a walk .

  6. 园林里的藤蔓蜿蜒着从拥挤的人群里伸了出来,缠住了第一个女巫阿莎。

    Creepers from the garden beyond snaked through the pressing mass , and twisted themselves around the first witch , Asha .

  7. 下星期,要是你能够的话,我们就骑马到田庄的园林里来试试我的方式。

    Next week , if you can , we 'll ride down to the Grange Park , and try mine . '

  8. 在这首诗里,一个人,也许是诗人自己,在一座有花木林泉之胜的园林里沉思着人与自然的问题。

    In the poem , a person or maybe the poet himself , contemplated life and nature in the garden with flowers , trees and fountains .

  9. 中国古典园林里既有富有深刻的象征意义的严谨、具象的艺术雕塑,又有具纯美学观赏价值的飘逸、抽象的置石。

    Chinese classical gardens , both rich profound symbolic stringent , with the landscape as sculpture , and the value of becoming a purely aesthetic view & the abstract Purchase stone .

  10. 他们在园里居住和工作之后,就成了园林里的船户,成为侍候皇帝和皇家的众多侍从的一部分。

    Since all these people lived and worked in the garden , they formed the gardens boat household ( chuanhu ), one of many households in the service of the emperor and the royal family .

  11. 有些竹子每年都开花结子。有些竹子则从不开花。这里的一系列院子很像中国园林园林里的院子,可是花草水池都是欧洲式的几何和轴线构图。

    Some bloom and have seeds every year . Here one finds a series of courts very similar to those in a Chinese garden , while verdure and water are laid out geometrically and axially in European style .