
  • 网络inn;Inn River;River Inn
  1. 我国因河溪多而水源充足。

    Our country is well watered by rivers and brooks .

  2. 它被安都因河的河水冲进了大海。

    It was swept out to sea by the waters of the Anduin .

  3. 出现这种变化的主要原因,一方面是因沁河所处的特殊位置,另一方面则为民众无力承担巨额工程费用。

    For this change , one reason is that Qin River is on a special position ; the other is that the local people could not afford the much heavier project expenses .

  4. 每隔几年他们就会因这条河的泛滥而被迫离开家园。

    The river flooded them out every few years .

  5. 村庄因那条河的河水泛滥而被淹没。

    The river swamped the village with its rising waters .

  6. 洪水淹没了整个地区。村庄因那条河的河水泛滥而被淹没。

    The flood inundated the whole district . The river swamped the village with its rising waters .

  7. 《海拉尔》海拉尔在蒙语中是“野韭菜地”之意,因沿海拉尔河以前的两岸长满了野韭菜而得名。

    Hailar : Hailar drives its name from both sides of Hailar river which used to be filled with wild leek , and it means " the land of wild leek " in Mongolian .

  8. 在1848年尼亚加拉大瀑布因冰块堵塞尼亚加拉河而断流三十个小时。

    In1848 , Niagara Falls stopped flowing for30 hours because of an ice jam blocking the Niagara River .

  9. 西点军校全称为美国陆军军官学校,因校址设在哈德逊河西岸的西点高地而得名。

    The West Point Military Academy , or the US Army Officer Academy , locates on the West Point Highland of the Hudson River bank , and thus obtains its name .

  10. 听阿、有牧人哀号的声音、因他们荣华的草场毁坏了。有少壮狮子咆哮的声音、因约但河旁的丛林荒废了。

    Listen to the wail of the shepherds ; their rich pastures are destroyed ! Listen to the roar of the lions ; the lush thicket of the Jordan is ruined !