
  1. 考虑替代具有两类产品返回的随机回收库存管理

    Inventory Management of a Stochastic Return System with Two Kinds of Products Considering Substitutions

  2. 产品回收系统库存容量有限时的随机最优控制研究

    Study on stochastic optimal control of finite capacity inventory system of product recovery

  3. 电子产品的回收物流库存控制研究

    Research on the Recycling Logistical Control of Electronic Products

  4. 审察各分部管理效率的主要标准是执行计划的能力,销售额和市场份额增长额,应收帐款的回收情况和库存周转。

    The principal criteria of management efficiency imposed on divisions are ability to stay on plan , sales and market share increases , recovery of accounts receivable , and inventory turn .

  5. 而库存控制问题一直是逆向物流中重要的研究领域,如何管理库存,减少库存成本,提出最佳的订货周期以及产品的回收周期是库存控制问题里的重要研究内容。

    The inventory control is an important area in the reverse logistics research , how to manage inventory , reduce inventory costs , order the best of the recovery cycle and product cycle are important too .

  6. 数值实验结果表明,如果采用合理的库存控制策略,回收率对平均库存成本的影响是相当有限的。

    The numerical results show that , if we adopt a reasonable inventory control policy , return rate is fairly limited impact on the average inventory cost .