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  1. 一颗小小的针叶樱桃,其维他命C含量等同四个鲜橙。

    One tiny acerola cherry has vitamin C equal to that found in four oranges .

  2. 通过对常温贮存中鸡蛋四项鲜度指标的测定,发现涂膜剂的性质是影响鸡蛋保鲜效果的主要因素,而灭菌工艺对保鲜效果影响不大。

    Based on four fresh targets of the eggs to research effects of different fresh-keeping technics , we found that the character of agents was key factor of fresh-keeping .

  3. 菊花是我国的传统花卉,也是世界四大鲜切花之一,占切花总量的23%。

    Chrysanthemum , one of the traditional ornamental flowers in China , is one of the four cut flowers in the world , making 23 % of the total commercial production .

  4. 在摊好的饼皮上铺上一层番茄酱,上面撒上1/4杯撕碎的罗勒叶和四盎司鲜马苏里拉奶酪薄片。

    Spread a layer of sauce over rolled-out crust , top with packed ¼ cup torn basil leaves and 4 ounces fresh mozzarella , thinly sliced .

  5. //在摊好的饼皮上铺上一层番茄酱,上面撒上1/4杯撕碎的罗勒叶和四盎司鲜马苏里拉奶酪薄片。

    / / Spread a layer of sauce over rolled-out crust , top with packed & # 188 ; cup torn basil leaves and 4 ounces fresh mozzarella , thinly sliced .