
  1. 2008年,何绍勇担任四川省教育厅副厅长。

    He became deputy head of Sichuan 's education department in 2008 .

  2. 据调查,为了在教材采购中牟利,多家出版社向四川省教育厅高层官员行贿。

    Several publishers were found to have bribed a senior education official in Sichuan to get help for selling their textbooks to schools in the province .

  3. 根据四川省教育厅基教处2009年对全省幼儿园教育所做的调查来看,我省许多农村地区的幼儿园教育质量堪忧。

    According to the survey on preschool education in 2009 in Sichuan Education Department , we are worried about our preschool education in many rural areas of our province .

  4. 12月21日,成都市中级人民法院对原四川省教育厅副厅长何绍勇,及妻子受贿一案进行审理。

    The former deputy head of Sichuan 's education department , He Shaoyong , and his wife went on trial in the Intermediate People 's Court in the provincial capital Chengdu on December 21 .

  5. 2002年,四川省教育厅原副厅长汪风雄为支付博士课程学费等其它犯罪行为,收受北京师范大学8万元贿赂。

    His predecessor , Wang Fengxiong , was also in trouble for having helped Beijing Normal University Press sell textbooks in 2002 in exchange for 80000 yuan to cover tuition for a PhD course and other misdeeds .

  6. 摘要:自十一·五教育部、财政部启动了中等职业学校教师素质提高计划以来,四川省教育厅也积极实施中职骨干教师的培训计划。

    Abstract : Since the Eleventh Five Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance launched the plan of improving teachers ' quality of secondary vocational school , Sichuan Provincial Department of Education also actively implemented training plan of secondary vocational school teachers .

  7. 与四川毗邻的云南省教育厅厅长罗崇敏说,四川地震给我们敲响了警钟。

    ' The earthquake in Sichuan sounded the warning bell for us , 'said Luo Chongmin , director of the education bureau in neighboring Yunnan province , which escaped major quake damage .