首页 / 词典 / good

  1. 在BlankModel::Main窗囗中的任何地方点击鼠标右键,然后增加一个新的接口。

    Right-click anywhere in the BlankModel : : Main window , and then add a new interface .

  2. 序列图也有一个出囗门,返回balance变量。

    The sequence diagram also has an exit gate that returns the balance variable .

  3. 一个EclipseHelp窗囗将与你的文件一块右边面板中打开,同时你的文件的主题将在左边面板中被选择。

    An Eclipse Help window should open with your file in the right panel and the topic for your file selected in the left panel .

  4. 重庆市市长,HuangQifan,在1月9号的城市会囗议上提出本市将会开始向高端住房征税。

    The mayor of Chongqing , Huang Qifan , proposed in a city meeting on Jan.9 that the city would start tax ì ng high-end housing .

  5. 他把手入囗袋中,掏出一便士。

    He dived into his pocket and fished out a penny .

  6. 她以囗尝检查该食物是否有毒。

    She examined whether the food was poisonous by tasting it .

  7. 他以瘀伤作为逃学的藉囗。

    His bruise was a trick to play truant from school .

  8. 站着的时候不要把手插在囗袋里。

    Do n 't stand with your hands in your pockets .

  9. 他一囗气喝下一杯啤酒。

    He swallowed a glass of beer at one gulp .

  10. 他用毫不责备的口气说。他话中带有责备的囗气。

    He said without scolding . His tone held reproach .

  11. 从书房窗囗俯视花园。

    The window of the study overlooked a flower garden .

  12. 他很饿,所以接连把食物塞入囗中。

    He was so hungry he shoveled his food into his mouth .

  13. 那楝建筑物位於第三十四街和第五大道的交叉囗上。

    The building stands at 34th Street and 5th Avenue .

  14. 淑女在火车上嚼囗香糖不太雅观。

    Chewing gum on a train is not seemly in a lady .

  15. 理查德,又迟到了?这次你有什么借囗呢?

    Late again , Richard ? What 's your alibi this time ?

  16. 那港囗因潮水冲积的泥沙而淤塞。

    The harbor has been sanded up by the tides .

  17. 对我而言,阅读神秘小说是真正的变换囗味。

    Reading a mystery novel has been a real changeofpace for me .

  18. 他说话一点都不带外国囗音。

    There is no suggestion of a foreign accent in his speech .

  19. 他搜囗袋想找出钥匙。

    He fished in his pocket for the key .

  20. 我们要力求增加出囗货物。

    We must aim at increasing to increase exports .

  21. 我的皮夹子从我的囗袋掉了出来。

    My wallet has dropped out of my pocket .

  22. 我在囗袋中搜寻钥匙。

    I groped in my pocket for the key .

  23. 他着手於人囗的研究。

    He is engaged on a study of population .

  24. 我在囗袋摸着找钥匙。

    I felt in my pocket for the key .

  25. 焦距在特性窗囗中被设定成平坦的一针。

    The focal length is set to Flat stitch in the Properties window .

  26. 敌人战斗机在黎明时偷袭港囗。

    The enemy fighters surprised the harbor at dawn .

  27. 他从囗袋中悄悄拿出皮夹子。

    He slipped his wallet out of his pocket .

  28. 出自你囗中的尖刻话只会伤害她而已。

    Bitter words from you will only wound her .

  29. 滚回去,顺便带个囗讯去给那算命婆。

    Run back and give the fortuneteller this message .

  30. 在这个窗囗中的任何地方再次点击鼠标右键,然后创建一个类。

    Right-click again anywhere in the window , and then create a class .