
  • 网络Noise;Hot Pixel
  1. 在高ISO时,我们会发现大量的“噪点”。

    At higher ISO 's we introduce a noticeable amount of " noise " .

  2. 作为默认值,你的相机会设定在最低的ISO以确保噪点最少。

    As a default , set your camera to its lowest ISO setting to have the least amount of noise .

  3. 数码相机CCD噪点的检测

    The Examination for Hot Pixels of Digital Camera CCD

  4. CCD的噪点是影响数码相机成像质量的关键因素之一。

    Hot pixel of CCD is one of the several critical factors influencing the image quality of digital camera .

  5. 本文讨论了CCD噪点形成的原因,提出了针对不同特性的噪点进行软件检测的两种方法,并对实验检测结果进行了分析。

    This paper firstly discusses the causes of hot pixel and then put forward two software detection methods aimed at different characteristic hot pixels , finally analyzes test results .

  6. 本文通过对数字影像不同获取方式的研究,分析了影像获取过程中诸因素对最终构像质量的影响,对扫描仪检测、扫描参数确定以及数字相机CCD噪点检测等问题进行了研究和实验。

    This thesis studies different ways of digital image acquirement and analyzes various factors ' influences on image forming quality during imaging process , for example , it investigates digital camera CCD hot pixel and scanner detection problems and establishes scan parameters .

  7. 但索尼介绍说,一种新形降噪系统已经安装在了DSC-T9中,可以将噪点降到最低。

    A new noise reduction system in the DSC-T9 keeps this to a minimum , the company said .

  8. 现在最好的数码单反可以设定ISO3200甚至更高,但噪点几乎可以忽略。

    The top of the line DSLRs can shoot at ISO3200 and higher with noise being barely noticeable .

  9. 首先,从Poser软件中导出标准模型的顶点数据,根据这些顶点数据,经过分层采样,去除噪点和排序等操作后,得到采样点。

    Firstly , the vertex data of the standard model is exported from Poser software . According to these vertex data , we sample the data and remove the noise , then use NURBS curve to fit the data .

  10. 广角摄像头中更大的感光元件带来了更多进光量,以减少噪点,

    The larger sensor of the Wide offers more light gathering for less noise

  11. 基于噪点去除的人脸三维网格光顺

    Facial Mesh Smoothing Based on Error Point Removed

  12. 清除原始数据上雷达噪点(?)的系统不能运行。

    The system that removes heavy radar contamination from our raw data is not operating .

  13. 噪点是图像出现色彩与成像偏差的术语。

    Noise is the term for areas of an image that have color and quality aberrations .

  14. 提高了照相质量(夜景下更少的噪点,提高了取景器的刷新率)。

    Improvements to photo quality ( less noise in dark photos , improved viewfinder refresh rate ) .

  15. 由于图像采集过程中存在噪声干扰,导致采集到的图像边界模糊,层次感差,噪点较多。

    Because of the noise , the images had fuzzy boundaries , bad level sense and noisy point .

  16. 进光量多了47%,带来了更少噪点,提升了你的照片和视频亮度。

    It gathers 47 % more light for less noise and brighter results in your photos and videos .

  17. 经实验证明,改进的算法在量化并压缩噪点动漫图片的同时,取得了良好的效果。

    Experimental results show that , the improved algorithm do well in color quantization and compression of cartoon images .

  18. 我们也定制设计了新的超广角摄像头,能呈现暗部的更多内容和更少噪点,

    We 've also custom-designed a new Ultra Wide camera that will reveal more of the dark areas with less noise ,

  19. 仿真实验尝试将该方法应用于一些简单封闭物体的带噪点云数据隐式曲面重建,取得了较理想的重建质量和去噪效果。

    The simulation results on some scattered point models show that this method can obtain good reconstruction quality and denoising effect .

  20. 新的感光元件在低档至中档的噪点控制非常出色。

    The new sensor seems to be doing its job by reducing noise very well at the low to mid-range ISO settings .

  21. 这个设置将对软件排除热噪点、背景噪声尖峰以及宇宙射线有用。

    This will prevent the software from accepting hot pixels , random background noise peaks or cosmic ray strikes as real objects .

  22. 信号点之间的距离必须大于其直径,否则视为同一染色体的噪点。

    The distance between signal points must be greater than the diameter of the same chromosome otherwise will be regarded as noise signal .

  23. 这是柯达对升级的说明,我看只有最后一个有用,减少了长时间曝光时的噪点。

    Fixes occasional problem of a camera freeze during video slide show * Reduces noise in pictures taken with Long Time Exposure setting enabled .

  24. 利用隐写术技术的人可以使用白噪点隐藏“秘密”&以难以察觉的方式转变信息。

    Someone employing a steganographic technique can use this noise to hide " secrets " by altering the information in ways that cannot be easily noticed .

  25. 具体过程为对数据噪点进行处理,错误、空项的数据通过找到原始病案进行修改,保证数据准确。

    The specific process is data noise processing , error and empty data modifying by finding the original record , to guarantee the accuracy of the data .

  26. 对处理后的二值图进行边缘锐化噪点过滤。就此得到一幅人体目标区域与背景区域相分离的图像。

    After filtering the edge sharpening noise on the preprocessed binary image , we can get a image in which target region and background region have been separated .

  27. 本文提出的四步算法通过计算过程定义了一种像素属性(文中称为长度)以将显著噪点和边缘点大幅度地分辨开,从而突破单独使用梯度信息带来的制约。

    In this thesis , we define a newly pixel attribute in the procedure of the proposed four-step algorithm , by which prominent noise points and edges are significantly distinguished .

  28. 其聚类结果为有向图的构造和维护提供数据输入,提高有向图描述数据流特征的精度,减少噪点。

    The result of clustering provides data input for directed graph construction and maintenance , which increases the precision of describing data stream by directed graph , and decreases the noisy point .

  29. 这些事物可以包含许多颜色和细节,以及各种所谓的白噪点(取决于使用的相机)。

    Any of these subjects will contain a tremendous amount of color and detail , as well as depending on the camera a varying amount of what 's known as white noise .

  30. 通过举例分析发现传统图像脉冲噪声检测方法中,基于检测窗口内像素最值判断噪声的标准不准确,可能造成错误接受噪点,增加图像处理时间。

    By analyzing examples , this thesis finds a flow in traditional noise detection method , which could lead to an error in acceptation of impulse noise and increase in processing time .