
zào shēnɡ kònɡ zhì
  • noise control
  1. 消声器是压缩机噪声控制中常用的消声装置

    Muffler is the conventional muffling device in the noise control of compressor .

  2. 基于DSP的有源噪声控制技术研究

    Research on the Technique of Active Noise Control Based on DSP

  3. SEA在汽车室内噪声控制中的应用研究

    Research on Controlling of Interior Noise of Automobile Using SEA

  4. 基于Lyapunov稳定理论的有源噪声控制算法研究

    Study of Active Noise Control Algorithms Based on Lyapunov Stability Theroy

  5. 本文在充分考虑了装置的声音特性后,讨论了基于DSP主动噪声控制系统的类型结构、算法仿真和硬件实现等诸多问题。

    This paper discusses the control types , arithmetic simulation and hardware implementation of ANC based on DSP .

  6. 前馈有源噪声控制(activenoisecontrol,ANC)方法可在较宽的频带有效。

    The feedforward ANC ( Active Noise Control ) is effective to attenuate wide-band acoustic noise , and therefore has wide applications .

  7. 浅议HFC网络的噪声控制

    On Controlling the Noise of HFC

  8. 一种基于RLS算法主动噪声控制系统的研究

    An active noise control system based on RLS arithmetic

  9. 本文使用离散余弦变换(DCT)技术,在变换域内进行有源噪声控制的研究,同时考虑了变换域约束。

    A transform-domain algorithm using DCT technique is presented in this paper , and the transform-domain constraint is considered .

  10. 使用同步扰动算法设计多通道有源噪声控制(ANC)系统。

    Multi-channel active noise control system using Simultaneous perturbation algorithm is considered .

  11. 传统的被动噪声控制方法对低频噪声的抑制效果不佳,与被动噪声控制技术相比,主动噪声控制技术(activenoisecontrol-ANC)具有良好的低频特性,非常适用于低频噪声特别是低频窄带噪声的控制场合。

    Compared with traditional passive noise control techniques , active noise control ( ANC ) techniques have excellent low-frequency characteristics , which are very suitable for controlling of low-frequency especially narrowband low-frequency noise control occasion .

  12. 将格型结构滤波器与IIR滤波器级联来实现一种有源噪声控制(ANC)算法。

    In this paper , an active noise control algorithm is implemented by cascading lattice filter and transversal filter .

  13. FTU及其噪声控制

    FTU and the Noise Control

  14. 近十几年来,有源消声技术(ANC)成为噪声控制领域的研究热点。

    In recent decades , active noise control ( ANC ) has become a hot research subject in noise control field .

  15. 基于自适应滤波器理论的主动噪声控制(ANC)系统是在80年代发展起来的,但都单纯着重于自适应信号处理,很少仔细考虑声音的特性。

    An active noise control ( ANC ) system based on adaptive filter theory was developed in the 1980s . But it only emphasizes on the adaptive signal processing and seldom takes the sound characters into account .

  16. 在对子模块的设计做出详细介绍之前,本文对XD8009所设计的多工作模式电荷泵DC-DC转换器的关键技术做出了详细的论述与推导,并提出了一种低噪声控制方式;

    Before the detailed description of the sub-block design , the key technologies of multimode operational charge pump and a control method of low noise designed this paper are presented .

  17. 自适应滤波U型最小均方差(FULMS)算法是目前常用的基于ⅡR滤波器的有源噪声控制算法,但该算法却不能保证全局收敛,这大大限制了该算法在有源噪声控制中的应用。

    However , Filtered-U LMS ( FULMS ) algorithm , the ⅱ R filter-based algorithm commonly used so far cannot ensure global convergence . A new ⅱ R filter based adaptive algorithm , which can ensure global convergence with computation load only slightly increasing , is proposed .

  18. 根据1/3倍频程分析的结果,采用穿孔结构导流装置实施噪声控制方案,并对降噪结果运用Zwicker理论的噪声客观评价方法等观点进行分析。

    According to the results of 1 / 3 octave analysis , a guide device with perforated structures is adopted to control the noise , and upon the Zwicker theory , its reduction results are evaluated .

  19. 全自动洗衣机的噪声控制研究

    The research of the noises control for the automatic washing machine

  20. 发动机振动引起的车内噪声控制研究

    Research on Control of Car Interior Noise due to Engine Vibration

  21. 船舶机舱集控室振动与噪声控制实验研究

    Vibration and noise control studies for centralized marine engine control rooms

  22. 高速公路噪声控制系统工程初探

    The Elementary Research in Control System Project of Highway Traffic Noise

  23. 西方世界过去2000年间的噪声控制发展史

    Noise control in the western world over the past 2000 years

  24. 有源振动噪声控制技术在潜艇中的应用研究

    Application Research of Active Noise and Vibration Control Technology in Submarines

  25. 煤氧枪噪声控制研究设计

    Study and Design on Noise Control to Gun of Oxygen and Gas

  26. 广播电视建筑中一些特殊房间空调系统的噪声控制

    Noise Controlling of Air-conditioning System in Studios in Broadcasting & TV Building

  27. 平面分布式声源在有源噪声控制中的应用

    Applications of Distributed Planar Sound Source into Active Control of Sound Radiation

  28. 噪声控制压电智能系统研究的现状和展望

    A Review on The Application of Piezoelectric Intelligent Structures in Noise Control

  29. 复杂弹性系统的结构噪声控制及最优化设计研究

    Structure-borne noise control and optimum design for a resilient compound vibration system

  30. 汽车后桥噪声控制技术的研究与降噪效果

    Techniques and results for attenuating noise in rear axle housings