首页 / 词典 / good

  • choke;breathe against the wind with difficulty;be choked by wind;render sb. speechless by saying sth. blunt or rude
  • 食物塞住了嗓子:因~废食。~着了。

  • 因为迎风而呼吸因难:这风真~人。

  • 说话顶撞人,使人无话可答:他说话能把人~死。

  1. 小心别让自己口水噎到窒息。

    And try not to choke on your own drool .

  2. 她喉咙中的鱼骨使她哽噎。

    The fish bone in her throat made her choke .

  3. 他被一块烤面包噎得透不过气来。

    He was choking on a piece of toast .

  4. 他说话噎人,且话不多。

    He could be gruff and monosyllabic .

  5. 他一句话就把她给噎回去了。

    She was just going to say something when that one remark of his choked her off .

  6. 他坐下来,突然往嘴里放了一颗薄荷糖,当即被噎死。

    He sat down , popped in a peppermint and promptly choked to death .

  7. 周围的人看着他,干着急。最后,他因透不过来而活活噎死了。

    The people around looked at him in anxiety Finally , as couldn 't breathe , the died of choking .

  8. 这个短语表达来源于人们早晨看报时看到上述那种新闻会出现的反应:吃蛋糕的可能被噎到了,喝咖啡的可能把咖啡喷一地。

    This phrase comes from the reaction one would supposedly have after reading about such a story in the morning newspaper while having his / her muffin and coffee .

  9. 事后,有人居然下了一道禁令:从今天起,天下禁止吃饭。理由是:不吃饭,就不会噎死人。

    Afterwards , someone went so far as to issue a ban : Eating is forbidden as from today for the reason that no one will be choked to death if people give up eating .

  10. 毕竟在任何情形下你把可能会噎死人的东西放在别人的食物里,你都可能因为意图谋杀罪被捕。4.TheFuneralProposal葬礼上的求婚

    After all , if you were caught placing choke-able objects in someone 's food in any other situation , you would be arrested for attempted murder .

  11. 阴沟每打一个噎,就耗费一千法郎。

    Every hiccough of our sewers costs us a thousand francs .

  12. 垂直管中气力输送的粉体噎塞速度的研究

    Study of the choking velocities in vertical pipeline in pneumatic transportation

  13. “噎”表示愿意去联邦法庭申诉。

    A yea vote indicates a likely trip to federal court .

  14. 它好像是吃我的小狗时噎死了,先生。

    It appears that he choked on it , sir .

  15. 十个小黑人出门吃饭,噎死一个剩九个。

    One choked his little self , and then there were nine .

  16. 你还被饼干噎到了

    Right , at the end , you choked on a cookie .

  17. 她吃了一块大到可以噎死猪的肉。

    She ate a meal that could choke a pig .

  18. 当有姑娘噎着时该怎么做啊?

    What do you do when a girl is choking ?

  19. 哽噎呼吸或声音的哽塞或阻塞。

    A choking or stoppage of the breath or voice .

  20. 天啊,我感觉您像是噎着了!

    Oh , my god , I feel like you 're choking !

  21. 汤姆声音哽噎,双颊上眼泪长流。

    Tom 's voice choked and the tears ran down his cheeks .

  22. 我们遇见和这不错的大众混合,噎!

    Mingle with the good people we meet , yeah !

  23. 天啊,您是噎着了吗?

    Oh , my God , are you choking ?

  24. 但大多数时间,他实际上只是动动嘴唇,不停地眨眼,哽噎着出不了声。

    Mostly he was only moving his lips , blinking and choking up .

  25. 噎呃的自我穴位治疗

    Point therapy for " ye e " by oneself

  26. 呼吸哽噎时发出呼噜声的热带中型海洋食用鱼。

    Medium-sized tropical marine food fishes that utter a grunting sound when caught .

  27. 她冷嘲热讽把我噎得一句话都说不出来.

    I felt completely squashed by her sarcastic comment .

  28. 噎膈方治疗中晚期食管癌临床疗效观察

    Clinical Analysis on Efficacy of Yi-Ge Recipe for the Treatment of Advanced Esophageal Cancer

  29. 说到这里,他因为过度激愤,嗓子噎得一时说不出话来。

    Here he got choked by excessive indignation .

  30. 别狼吞虎咽地吃火鸡,你最后会噎着的。

    Don 't gobble the turkey . you 'll just end up getting stuffed .