
xiù jué
  • smell;olfactory;sense of smell;nose;olfactory sensation
嗅觉 [xiù jué]
  • [sense of smell] 鼻腔粘膜对气味的感觉。喻指对客观事物的辨别能力或敏感性

嗅觉[xiù jué]
  1. 科学假说在揭示嗅觉奥秘中的作用&解读2004年度诺贝尔医学奖

    The Contribution of Science Hypothesis to Discovery of Olfactory Sensation : focus on 2004 nobel prize in physiology or medicine

  2. 研究者首次从蚊子触角中鉴定出一个特异的嗅觉神经元,它对DEET很敏感。

    The researchers first identified a specific smelling neuron from mosquito antennae that was sensitive to DEET .

  3. 狗的嗅觉非常灵敏。

    Dogs have a very good sense of smell .

  4. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏。

    Dogs have a keen sense of smell .

  5. 这些运动员缺乏门前的嗅觉。

    The players lacked the killer instinct .

  6. 她有视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉。

    She can see , hear , touch , smell , and taste

  7. 燃烧的金属的味道刺激着他的嗅觉。

    The scent of burning metal assailed his nostrils .

  8. 动物的嗅觉对其生存仍然至关重要。

    An animal 's sense of smell is still crucial to its survival .

  9. 这一嗅觉在子宫内形成。

    This olfactory sense develops in the womb .

  10. 嗅觉是一种非常基本的官能,但人类已经丧失了恰当使用这种官能的大部分能力。

    Smell is a very basic sense but humans have lost much of the facility to use it properly .

  11. 格根有很强的新闻意识,对潮流嗅觉灵敏,而且人脉很广。

    Gergen had a great sense of news , a good nose for trends , and a wide range of contacts .

  12. 野生动物有灵敏的嗅觉。

    Wild animals have an acute sense of smell .

  13. 狗的嗅觉比人的嗅觉灵敏。

    Smell is keener in dogs than in humans .

  14. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏。

    Dogs have an acute sense of smell .

  15. 味觉和嗅觉是密切相关的。

    Taste and smell are closely connected .

  16. 警犬的嗅觉对罪犯留下来的痕迹特别灵敏。

    Police dogs have good noses for following criminals ' trails .

  17. 鼻子是嗅觉器官。

    The nose is the organ of smell .

  18. 猎狗凭着嗅觉顺着狐狸的足迹向前跑去。

    The hounds ran ahead , following their noses on the trail of the fox .

  19. 大多数狗的嗅觉灵敏。

    Most dogs have a good nose .

  20. 引诱剂,排斥剂还是其他的兴奋剂都是嗅觉物质,但刺激剂和阻抑剂常常是味觉物质。

    Whereas attractants , repellents , and other incitants are olfactory substances , stimulants , and deterrents are usually gustatory .

  21. 在老鼠的鼻子中有多达1,000种不同的嗅觉感受器,而人类只有100至200种。

    Inside a rat 's nose are up to 1,000 different types of olfactory receptors , whereas humans only have 100 to 200 types .

  22. 它看起来没那么糟,在第一道波让我丧失嗅觉之后,它也没那么伤鼻子。

    It didn 't look that bad , and after the first wave had shut down my ability to smell , it didn 't offend the nose so much , either .

  23. 形容词,嗅觉发达的。

    macrosmatic adj . having a good sense of smell

  24. 狗有敏锐的嗅觉。

    Dogs have sharp sense of smell .

  25. 根据这些发现,凯勒推断,每个人都有一个嗅觉盲区。

    Based on these findings , Keller suspects that each person has an olfactory blind spot .

  26. 根据约翰霍普金斯大学的研究,与嗅觉有关的人体细胞是冠状病毒入侵的关键目标,因此鼻子遮挡物至关重要。

    Human cells that give people a sense of smell are a key entry point for coronavirus , making nose coverings important , according to Johns Hopkins University .

  27. 我们应该在北京兴建一个中华饮食文化博物馆,充分调动起海内外参观者的视觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉,全方位展现中华饮食文化的博大精妙。

    We should build a museum of Chinese food culture in Beijing . It can comprehensively show the rich culture of Chinese food , including its appearance , smell , taste and touch .

  28. “我们的听觉变得更加灵敏。我的嗅觉更敏锐了,而且你能真正感受到扑面而来的空气,而在白天,这都往往不会被察觉到。”

    Our hearing becomes more sensitive . My sense of smell is more acute , and you can really appreciate the air on your face in a way that during daylight hours , these things go unnoticed .

  29. 从前,有一个人眼睛虽然瞎了,可是他精于嗅觉,只要用手摸一摸,凭借着触感就便能说出这是什么动物。

    There was once a blind man who had so fine a sense of touch that , when any animal was put into his hands , he could tell what it was merely by the feel of it .

  30. 嗅觉功能检查与Alzheimer病的早期诊断

    Olfactory Function Test and Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer 's Disease