
pēn shuǐ kǒnɡ
  • spout
  1. 一些须鲸物种头顶也有护住喷水孔的构造,但并不长成这样。

    Other baleen whales have splash guards too , but not like this .

  2. 海豚通过一个称为喷水孔的洞呼吸。

    A dolphin breathes air through a hole called a blowhole .

  3. 感应淬火感应器喷水孔的设计

    Design on The Spray Hole in Inductor for Induction Hardening

  4. 再(强调)一次,不要盖住搁浅的鲸的喷水孔。

    Once again , do not cover the stranded whale 's blowhole !

  5. 这个喷水孔在头的顶部。

    This blowhole is on the top of its head .

  6. 立式罐冷却管喷水孔堵塞的原因和解决办法

    Cause of blowhole jam at cooling water pipe of vertical drum and its solution

  7. 不要把水倒在喷水孔里。

    Never pour water in the blowhole !

  8. 这使海豚能保留足够的意识去通过喷水孔呼吸。

    This allows the dolphin to retain enough consciousness to carry on breathing through its blowhole .

  9. 海豚通过喷水孔呼吸。

    Dolphins breathe through a blowhole .

  10. 任何比较大的哺乳动物,流线型的身体,通过头顶的喷水孔呼吸。

    Any of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head .

  11. 海豚的声呐在人们看来就是回声定位,其中包括高频声音——通过将空气压进喷水孔附近的身体组织网而发声。

    Known as echolocation , dolphin sonar involves high frequency bursts of sound created by forcing air through a network of tissues near their blowholes .

  12. 应用伯努力方程和动量定理,对设备的水动力学参数进行了计算,通过公式推导和计算机程序模拟,设计出动力圆盘的结构参数及最佳喷水孔尺寸。

    Based on the Bernoulli Equation and theorem of momentum , it calculates the construction sizes of the disc with formula illation and computer program simulation .

  13. 气缸盖底面喷水孔加工组合机床液压系统的设计柴油机缸盖振动加速度与缸内燃烧状况相关性分析

    The Design of Hydraulic System of Modular Machine Tool for Machining the Water Jet Hole in Cylinder Head Study on Relationship Between Vibration Signal Measured from Cylinder Head and Combustion Process