
  • 网络drink boiled water;drink water
  1. 他补充,喝开水而不要喝其它饮料。

    Turn to water instead of other drinks , he adds .

  2. 妈妈一会儿喂我喝开水,一会儿摸摸我的额头,一会儿量量我的体温;

    Mum was touching my forehead and checking my temperature as she feed me with the water .

  3. 数字显温、控温、超温保护等自动控制功能,可保证明明白白喝开水。

    Figures show temperature , temperature control and overtemperature protection automatic control function , can guarantee plainly drink boiling water .

  4. 比你吃生米,喝开水,在胃里把饭煮熟的计划,我希望这次的要好一些。

    I hope this turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and then drinking boiling water .

  5. 喝杯开水我倒不反对。

    I don 't object to a glass of hot water .

  6. 虽然不喜欢喝白开水,还是要多喝。

    Drink a lot of water during the day .

  7. 不,我喝白开水。我要是喝了茶晚上睡不着觉。

    No , I drink boiled water . I can 't go to sleep at night after I drink tea .

  8. 我只喝白开水已有这么久了,其原因同我爱好大自然的天空远胜过吸食鸦片烟的人的吞云吐雾一样。

    I am glad to have drunk water so long , for the same reason that I prefer the natural sky to an opium-eater 's heaven .

  9. 一些简单的事情,如果喝点凉开水,就可以使你的头脑清醒并消除压力。

    Something as simple as drinking some cold water may clear your mind and relieve pressure .

  10. 在撕开薯片包装前先喝杯白开水。

    Before you tear into that bag of potato chips , drink a glass of water first .

  11. 关了手机,喝一小杯开水,拖着疲惫的身子躺在床上,我沉沉的睡去,却不断做着相同的梦,虽然我知道这个梦永远也不会实现。

    Turning off the phone , I will drink a cup of water and drag my weary body to the bed , falling into sleep deeply . I am dreaming the same dream constantly , though I know clearly it will never come true .

  12. 那些可以负担得起的人则喝啤酒或者用开水沏茶。

    Those who could afford it drank beer or tea with boiled water instead .

  13. 他经常觉得喝的是白开水而不是汤。

    He often feels as though he is drinking plain boiled water rather than soup .

  14. 吃的是粗粮,喝的是白开水,弯著手臂当枕头,幸福仍然存在。假若便秘就应该多吃粗糙食物。

    With only coarse food to eat , water to drink and the bent arm as a pillow , happiness may still exist .

  15. 喝水时应该喝瓶装水或开水,还要非常认真地洗手,因为你总是用手拿东西。

    You want to be looking for bottled water , or boiled water when you are consuming beverages , and being very careful about handwashing , cause you can always get things from your hands .

  16. 我一滴也不喝,我只喝白开水而已。

    I don 't even drink a drop of alcohol ;

  17. 中国人和日本人吃饭的时候喝热茶,而不是喝冰开水,应该学习这样的饮食习惯。

    The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals , not cold water , maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating .

  18. 他们喝起上千美元的酒就像跟喝白开水一样

    They go through $ 1000 bottles like it 's water .